
Day 7 : Daddy’s cooking

This friend of mine is another crazy man. He is a busy businessman working for a publishing company, but he’s always cheerful and speaks Japanese dajare, stupid rhyming wordplay...

But, he is such a great daddy as he cooks everyday for his high school daughter.

Sometimes we drink together a little too much with some dajare talks, but he always cooks a lunchbox for his daughter, even though he got wasted in the next morning! What a crazy but luminous father!!

He has started to share his cooking with us until the 1,000th day.

Especially, this morning’s one is greatly suitable for summer, as we are finally starting to have hotter summer.

I’ve been hungry all day long, but I have more work to complete by 10 pm tonight, so I gotta be more patient...!

Word of the day:
Luminous (聡明な、素晴らしい)

Quote of the day:
The radiation left over from the Big Bang is the same as that in your microwave oven but very much less powerful. It would heat your pizza only to minus 271.3*C - not much good for defrosting the pizza, let alone cooking it.    - Stephen Hawking
