Day 41: ice cream, earth and shiru
My friend called “earth”, or “shiru”, loves to eat ice cream everyday.
He’s kept eating it for more than 400 days, already, I believe....
I met him tonight along with the other friends who love sweets and have brought their favorite sweets.
That was such a wonderfully sweet night! We got so full and fun of course.
My friend earth or shiru brought of course his favorite ice cream, the ice sandwiches!
Hmmm, that was also so yummy. Damn, too yummy to take photos! My blunder of the day!
The front photo was all the sweets we brought with, and his ice cream sandwiches was not served yet, as they were still sitting in the freezer...
Word of the day:
blunder : 大失敗、大間違い、へま
Quote of the day:
Blessed are the forgetful, for they get the better even of their blunders.
- Friedrich Nietzsche