
Day 1,948: coolly, opt, hard-headed, tail risk

Yet some will coolly opt to vote Trump as a calculated risk.

But voters claiming to be hard-headed are overlooking the tail risk of a Trump presidency.

Artwork of the day 
Optical Shapes #3
Date: 1969
Style: Minimalism
Genre: abstract

Word of the day 
coolly: in an unfriendly way:
opt: to make a choice, especially of one thing or possibility instead of others:
hard-headed: not influenced by emotions:
tail risk: a form of portfolio risk that arises when the possibility that an investment will move more than three standard deviations from the mean is greater than what is shown by a normal distribution.
Tail risks include events that have a small probability of occurring and occur at both ends of a normal distribution curve.

Quote of the day
“The thought that I might kill myself formed in my mind coolly as a tree or a flower.”

Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar
