
Day 282: home-made burger

I bought a huge chunk of beef meat at Costco.

I cooked beef steak, and roast beaf.

But I still cannot eat the rest of chunk yet.
So I decided to cook a different kind of menu.

I thought about what to cook.
Then I thought I should cook some hamburgers.

I chopped the meat, as I do not have any grinder or mincer for meats.

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They don't look like coarsely minced beef meat.
But should be ok...

And this don't look tasty, neither the front pic....

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But, they sure were true gourmet burger taste!!

Come on, any gourmet pundit!! I'll feed ya!!!

Word of the day
pundit : 批評家
Quote of the day
“Political pundits are under professional obligation to regard the obvious as being too obvious.”
― P. J. O'Rourke, How the Hell Did This Happen?: A Cautionary Tale of American Democracy
