Day 282: home-made burger
I bought a huge chunk of beef meat at Costco.
I cooked beef steak, and roast beaf.
But I still cannot eat the rest of chunk yet.
So I decided to cook a different kind of menu.
I thought about what to cook.
Then I thought I should cook some hamburgers.
I chopped the meat, as I do not have any grinder or mincer for meats.
They don't look like coarsely minced beef meat.
But should be ok...
And this don't look tasty, neither the front pic....
But, they sure were true gourmet burger taste!!
Come on, any gourmet pundit!! I'll feed ya!!!
Word of the day
pundit : 批評家
Quote of the day
“Political pundits are under professional obligation to regard the obvious as being too obvious.”
― P. J. O'Rourke, How the Hell Did This Happen?: A Cautionary Tale of American Democracy