
Day 120 : Habanero

Continuous topic on spiciness...

I once wrote that I often go to the farmer's market in weekends.

Last weekend, I went to there to buy some fresh vegetables, and found the fresh habanero...

I thought about 10 seconds, and bought it gingerly!

Well, as I've been talking about some hot and spicy topics, so I like that kind of food.

But, habanero is notorious for its incommensurable spiciness. So that's why I though for 10 seconds...

Anyway, I bought a pack of habanero, containing 4 peppers.

Hmm, I thought again how I should use them.

Then, finally, as I sometimes do this way, I pickled these thinly sliced habanero peppers in the mixed soy-sauce and vinegar.

スクリーンショット 2019-11-12 8.20.32

When I smell the scent of peppers, they are little different from the ordinary chili peppers. The spiciness is of course different!

Sensuously, one thin slice of habanero is probably 10 times hotter than the ordinary chili peppers!

Well, the Japanese local market has started to sell habanero, this means something..., the expanding popularity of loving hot and spicy foods!

I presume it would take months to consume these pickled habaneros...

Word of the day:
incommensurable : 桁違いの

Quote of the day:
They have hot peppers in Louisiana. Little red devils with fire in their skin and hell in their seeds.
~James Street (1903–1954), “The Grains of Paradise”
