
Day 104 : Influence by UK, US and others...

In the last note, I discussed that Rugby is the most prominent example of the UK influence in Japan right now.
We all know thatBrexit is the most influential issue in terms of economy, politics and culture.

Boris Johnson seems like another wild politician.
Actually the populist type of politicians are more on the momentum and propulsion worldwide, Donald Trump (of course..), Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, Giuseppe Conte in Italy.

I don't think that Shinzo Abe is that kind.
But I hope Japan will not be under the influence of UK, US and the other countries with populist politicians.

This is one of the fewest ways that Japan should keep trying, to be different and fair in the global politics.

Word of the day:
propulsion : 駆動力、推進力

Quote of the day:
“Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."
― Cyril Connolly
