Day 18 : French for 1,000 days
Chara also is a challenger for 1,000 days. She chose to learn French.
For Japanese, it's usually difficult to learn the other languages. Even English is tough as we were not educated for the speaking, and this is why we Japanese are shy when in need to speak to the foreign people. This is also why the younger generation has been trained with the speaking English classes.
In addition, few junior high or high schools teach you the other languages than English. So, it's more difficult for us learn them.
When you're in college in Japan, you usually need to choose another foreign language class for 2 years. So I myself chose French then. I was such a bad and lazy student back then, so I almost forgot most of what I learned.
But I sometimes think that I should learn it again, especially when I meet with the French people.
So, I am very much impressed with Chara' challenge! She seems to relish this challenge, and I have been encourage and at least, I just read through this French grammar text page, and memorized it!!
Chara est la plus difficile de la communaute!!
I hope she would post the other pages of textbook so that I would learn them as well...
Word of the day:
Relish (楽しむ、享受する)
Quote of the day:
À vaillant coeur rien d’impossible. -Jacques Cœur
“For a valiant heart nothing is impossible.”