
Day 1,626: dissemination, farce

But this week we are making an exception, because the discovery and dissemination of information matters a lot to politics.

A popular government,” wrote James Madison in 1822, “without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a prologue to a farce or a tragedy; or, perhaps both.”

Artwork of the day 
Untitled (Face Farce)
Arnulf Rainer
Date: 1971
Style: Neo-Expressionism
Genre: self-portrait

Word of the day 
dissemination: the act of spreading news, information, ideas, etc. to a lot of people
farce: a humorous play or film where the characters become involved in unlikely situations

Quote of the day
“I am going to seek a great perhaps; draw a curtain, the farce is played out.”

