
Day 300: only 700 days to go, praying with monkeys

Good morning. This is the morning of 300th day. 

Yes, some of you know that I've cheated quite a few times..., by writing up several notes in one day...

But, somehow I have managed myself to get this done on this 300th day by writing 300th notes, not emasculated by the abnormal mentality due to this virus. 

Hoping to the monkeys on the roof of little shrine in town for the good 700 days.

スクリーンショット 2020-05-07 7.44.02

But, what have I done with these 300 days?
What can I get done with the rest of 700 days?

Is it something beneficial to someone or myself? 
Or something detrimental?

Word of the day
emasculate: 活力を奪う、骨抜きにする、去勢する
Quote of the day
“Without pain, without sacrifice we would have nothing. Like the first monkey shot into space.”
― Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club
