
Day 2,015: bulb, alluding to, chart, wound, coppice, poring over, mull

The fairy lights glow and now include a planetary bulb alluding to a story charting the entire contents of the universe. A new string of lights has been wound around the coppiced bonsai tree. Pushkin has joined the axolotl in the fish tank and the Harvard flag is pinned in a more fitting spot. The references to each story are distinct and cryptic enough to keep you poring over it, if not for a fortnight, then at least for the duration of a glass of mulled wine.

Artwork of the day 
Basket of Sprouting Bulbs
Date: 1887; Paris, France
Style: Neo-Impressionism
Genre: still life
Media: oil, canvas
Location: Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Word of the day 
bulb: a round root of some plants from which the plant grows: a hollow, round part at the end of a glass tubein a thermometer (= a device used for measuring temperature) that holds liquid that will expand (= increase in volume) to show the temperature: a light bulb:
alluding to: to mention someone or something without talking about him, her, or it directly:
chart: to show something on a chart: to
watch something with careful attention or to record something in detail: to arrange a plan of action:
wound: past simple and past participle of wind, to turn or cause something to turn:
coppice: to cut trees or bushes back in order to form a small, closely planted area
poring over: to look at and study something, usually a book or document, carefully:
mull: to heat wine or beer with added sugar and spices:

Quote of the day
“She said she knew she was able to fly because when she came down she always had dust on her fingers from touching the light bulbs.”

J.D. Salinger, Franny and Zooey
