Day 1,160: proxy adviser
Operating as independent research firms, proxy advisers digest and evaluate lengthy and complex filings on common corporate endeavors, including mergers & acquisitions, CEO salary, and more.
Artwork of the day
5. The Wedding by Proxy of Marie De' Medici to King Henry IV
Peter Paul Rubens
Date: 1622 - 1625
Style: Baroque
Series: Marie de' Medici Cycle (1622-1625)
Genre: history painting
Word of the day
proxy adviser: or proxy advisory firms provide institutional investors with research and data, as well as recommendations on management and shareholder proxy proposals that are voted on at an organization’s annual and special meetings.
Quote of the day
“Iran, the Syrian regime’s only regional ally, began dispatching military advisers to bolster Assad. (Syria had been the only country to support Iran during its eight-year-long war with Iraq, a conflict that ended in 1988, in which Saddam Hussein liberally used chemical weapons and Iran lost a million young men.) These intrusions transformed the Syrian revolution into a proxy war, where regional powers fought for influence.”
― Azadeh Moaveni, Guest House for Young Widows: Among the Women of ISIS