Day 1,754: dynamo, unshackle
The last flaw is Mr Xi’s unrealistic view of entrepreneurs, the dynamos of the past 30 years.
Unless entrepreneurs are unshackled, innovation will suffer and resources will be wasted.
Artwork of the day
Parade of the Dynamo Sports Club, 1928
Alexander RodchenkoDate:1928; Moscow, Russian FederationStyle:ConstructivismGenre:photoMedia:photography
Word of the day
dynamo: a device that changes energy of movement into electrical energy
unshackle: If you are shackled by something, it prevents you from doing what you want to do:
one of a pair of metal rings connected by a chain and fastened to a person’s wrists or the bottoms of the legs to prevent the person from escaping:
Quote of the day
“Angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night”
― Allen Ginsberg, Howl and Other Poems