Day 1,389: doe-eyed, rent-seeker
Anyone doe-eyed about the arc of history bending towards progress should remember that a century ago Argentina was about as rich as Switzerland.
Perhaps the rent-seekers’ greed will become too hard to conceal.
Artwork of the day
Sketch of deer doe
Jacopo BelliniStyle:Early RenaissanceGenre:sketch and studyLocation:Louvre, Paris, France
Word of the day
doe: the female of animals such as the deer or rabbit
doe-eyed: having large innocent-looking eyes
rent-seeker: lobbyist-like activity; an economic concept that occurs when an entity seeks to gain added wealth without any reciprocal contribution of productivity
Quote of the day
“But I believe in true love, you know? I don't believe that everybody gets to keep their eyes or not get sick or whatever, but everybody should have true love, and it should last at least as long as your life does.”
― John Green, The Fault in Our Stars