Day 1,511: awash, masc, masculine, conformism
While the cut remains hot in queer circles—lesbian TikTok is awash with mulleted-”mascs”—it now represents a new right-wing streak of non-conformism.
Artwork of the day
Burial chamber invented and designed in accordance with the custom and the ancient Roman emperors magnificence
Giovanni Battista PiranesiOriginal Title:Camera sepolcrale inventata e disegnata conforme al costume e all`antica magnificenza degl`Imperatori RomaniDate:1742Style:NeoclassicismGenre:cityscape
Word of the day
awash: having an amount of something that is very large or larger than necessary or wanted
masc: masculine, having characteristics that are traditionally thought to be typical of or suitable for men
conformism: the fact or policy of behaving or thinking like everyone else, rather than being different
Quote of the day
“Outside the open window
The morning air is all awash with angels.”
― Richard Wilbur, Collected Poems, 1943-2004