
Day 1,978: contempt, orthodoxy, conformism, rig, box-ticker

His desire for freer action helps explain his contempt for orthodoxies, including what he regards as woke conformism. From the bureaucrats who allowed the American government’s space-launch market to be rigged by defence firms to the Californian box-tickers who regulate Tesla’s factories, he views the state as an impediment to growth.

Artwork of the day 
Seated female figure (Allegory of Orthodoxy)
Original Title: Сидяча жіноча постать (Алегорія православ'я)
Date: c.1748; Ukraine
Style: Rococo
Genre: sculpture
Media: wood

Word of the day 
contempt: a strong feeling of disliking and having no respect for someone or something:
orthodoxy: the generally accepted beliefs of society at a particular time:
conformism: the fact or policy of behaving or thinking like everyone else, rather than being different:
rig: to arrange dishonestly for the result of something, for example an election, to be changed:
box-ticker: the fact of doing something just because there is a rule that says that you must do it:

Quote of the day
have always been contemptible. I believe that a simple and unassuming manner of life is best for everyone, best for both the body and the mind.”

Albert Einstein
