
Day 1,864: fracking, lumbered

She had a disastrous run in the presidential primaries last time round, dropping out early, having taken leftish positions on subsidising rent and banning fracking. As Mr Biden’s vice-president, she is lumbered with his record on inflation, immigration and (in Republican eyes) crime.

Artwork of the day 
Date: 1894
Style: Impressionism
Genre: animal painting

Word of the day 
fracking: a method of getting oil or gas from the rockbelow the surface of the ground by making large cracks in it. Fracking is short for "hydraulic fracturing".
lumber: to move slowly and awkwardly:

Quote of the day
“I mentally began composing a list of words that began with F: Frey. Father. False. Friend. Frick. Frack. And some others.”

Rick Riordan, The Ship of the Dead
