
Day 1,909: electoral college, adjudicate

There are three possible outcomes. Start with the extremely unlikely one, which is a vote so close that Kamala Harris and Mr Trump tie in the electoral college.

Some of these might end up at the Supreme Court, where three justices appointed by Mr Trump would have to adjudicate their merits.

Artwork of the day 
Portrait of Elector Friedrich the Wise
Original Title: Porträt des Kurfürsten Friedrich der Weise
Date: 1523
Style: Northern Renaissance
Genre: portrait
Location: École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts (ENSBA), Paris, France

Word of the day 
electoral college:  a group of people whose job is to choose a political or religious leader
adjudicate: to act as judge in a competition or argument, or to make a formal decision about something:

Quote of the day
“The commentator Peter Daou, who worked on my 2008 campaign, captured my feelings when he tweeted, “If Trump had won by 3 million votes, lost electoral college by 80K, and Russia had hacked RNC, Republicans would have shut down America.”

Hillary Rodham Clinton, What Happened
