
Day 132 : Safety Instruction on Airplane

If you get on international flights, especially the global airline carriers, you would have noticed that they play their safety instructions in their own unique ways.
I am not a busy traveller, but I've seen some on American Airlines and Quantas.

Today, I got on All Nippon Airway's domestic flight and have found that their safety instruction was based on Kabuki!

That is very nice. Using our cultural uniqueness makes the instruction very original.

One thing I felt a little regretting is that, the announcement during the instruction video was very rigid and serious...

American and Australian video had some fun-parts in the announcements.
I know that this is the cultural difference. Many serious people in Japan would say that this is just for edification, so no room for fun things...

But I believe the Japanese companies could have more fun-parts not just in this kind of video/announcements but also in many of the other fields.
The fun-parts can lead us to have more rooms for the different ideas, I believe...

Word of the day:
edification :教化、啓発、啓蒙

Quote of the day:
"You don't hire for skills, you hire for attitude. You can always teach skills."
-Herb Kelleher, the founder of Southwest Airlines
