Day 1,849: zinc, folic acid
The simplest is to fortify basic foods, such as flour, with micronutrients, such as iron, zinc and folic acid.
Artwork of the day
Zinc Yellow
Franz_KlineDate:1959; United StatesStyle:Action paintingGenre:abstract
Word of the day
zinc: a chemical element that is a bluish-white metal, used in making other metals or for covering other metals to protect them
folic acid: a vitamin, found in the leaves of plants and in liver, that is needed by the body for the production of red blood cells
Quote of the day
“The vibrations created by irritation are equivalent to those of mercury, by anger to those of lead, and by sadness and sorrow to those of aluminum. In the same way, uncertainty is related to cadmium, despair to steel, and stress to zinc.”
― Masaru Emoto, The Hidden Messages in Water