
Day 2,050: reinstate

His impulse to start by demolishing essential functions of government before reinstating the ones he likes is a formula for human misery and economic harm.

Artwork of the day 
Human misery
Original Title: Misères humaines
Date: 1889; France
Style: Cloisonnism
Period: Breton period
Genre: genre painting
Media: watercolor, paper

Word of the day 
reinstate: to give someone back their previous job or position, or to cause something to exist again:

Quote of the day
“For me, beauty is always retreating from one's grasp: the only thing I consider important is what existed once, or ought to have existed. By its subtle, infinitely varied operation, the steel restored the classical balance that the body had begun to lose, reinstating it in its natural form, the form that it should have had all along.”
― Yukio Mishima, Sun & Steel
