
Day 1,848: stodgy, carbohydrate, micronutrient

Many parents, even in middle-income countries, think it is enough to stuff an infant with stodgy carbohydrates but neglect protein and micronutrients.

Artwork of the day 
Date: 1968
Style: Hard Edge Painting
Genre: abstract

Word of the day 
stodgy: boring, serious, and formal:
carbohydrate: one of several substances, such as sugar or starch, that provide the body with energy, or foods containing these substances such as bread, potatoes, pasta, and rice
substance that animals and plants need in small amounts in order to live and grow:

Quote of the day
“When you grow up and have children of your own, do please remember something important: A stodgy parent is not fun at all! What a child wants - and DESERVES - is a parent who is SPARKY!”

Roald Dahl
