
Day 2,045: breathe down someone's neck

America must prepare for a world in which Chinese AI is breathing down its neck.

Artwork of the day 
God creates Man and gives him the breath of life (Genesis II, 7)
Original Title: Dieu crée l'homme et lui donne le souffle de la vie (Genèse, II, 7)
Date: c.1956; France
Style: Naïve Art (Primitivism)
Series: Etchings for the Bible (1930-1939; 1952-1956)
Genre: religious painting
Media: etching, paper
Dimensions: 31 x 23.1 cm

Word of the day 
breathe down someone'sneck: to stay close to someone, watching everything that they do:

Quote of the day
“Until I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read. One does not love breathing.”

Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
