Day 1,640: implausible, stork, slack, Donner, Blitzen, burnish, dispel
That other implausible global delivery maestro, the stork, has been slacking, so our global customer base has expanded by just 130m infants this year, down from 144m in 2012, bringing the total addressable market to just over 2bn under-15-year-olds. We thus made 2023 the “year of efficiency”, like Meta but jollier.
This provides a convenient way to put Donner, Blitzen and the rest of the herd out to pasture, while burnishing our esg credentials by dispelling complaints about animal cruelty.
Artwork of the day
Blessed be the house where a stork nested
Sergey SolomkoOriginal Title:Да будет благословен дом где аист свил себе гнездоDate:1917Style:Art Nouveau (Modern)Genre:symbolic painting
Word of the day
implausible: difficult to believe, or unlikely:
stork: a large, white bird with very long legs that walks around in water to find its food
slack: showing little activity; not busy or happening in a positive way:
Donner and Blitzen: names of Santa Clause’s reindeer
burnish: to rub metal until it is smooth and shiny
dispel: to remove fears, doubts, and false ideas, usually by proving them wrong or unnecessary:
Quote of the day
“we should observe just how deeply implausible the Koranic paradise is.”
― Sam Harris, The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason