
Day 2,005: cram, settle scores, henchmen, heinous, chlorine, nerve agent

After 13 years of civil war in a country crammed with weapons, some factions will want to settle scores; so will some bad and dangerous men just released from prison. Under the Assads’ henchmen, many of them Alawite and Shia, Sunnis suffered acts of heinous cruelty, including being gassed by chlorine and a nerve agent.

Artwork of the day 
Charlotte Cram
Date: 1900
Style: Realism
Genre: portrait
Media: oil, canvas
Location: Private Collection
Dimensions: 88.5 x 61 cm

Word of the day 
cram: to force something into a small space, or to fillan area with people:
settle scores, settle a score, settle an old score: to harm someone because they have harmed you in the past:
henchman: someone who does unpleasant or illegal things for a powerful person:
heinous: very bad and shocking:
chlorine: a chemical element that is a greenish-yellow gas with a strong smell, added to water in order to kill organisms that might causeinfection:
nerve agent: a poisonous substance that damages the nervous system of the body, used as a weapon:

Quote of the day
“Earth's crammed with heaven...

But only he who sees, takes off his shoes.”

Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Aurora Leigh
