
Day 1,711: secession, coterie, augury

Talk of secession last surfaced after independence and was suppressed with a ban in 1963 on any politician proposing it.

Another way for the bjp to be competitive in the south is for it to moderate its Hindutva message, restrain its promotion of Hindi, put more weight on economic development and advance more moderate successors to Mr Modi than his coterie of headbangers.

If Mr Modi and his party choose wisely, the south may be an augury for its politics, too.

Artwork of the day 
Draft of the emblem by the Association of Austrian Artists Secession
Koloman Moser
Original Title: Entwurf für das Emblem der Vereinigung bildener Künstler Österreichs Secession
Date: 1897
Style: Art Nouveau (Modern)
Genre: design
Media: indian ink, paper
Dimensions: 26.7 x 28.5 cm

Word of the day 
secession: the act of becoming independent and no longer part of a country, area, organization, etc.:
coterie: a small group of people with shared interests, often one that does not want other people to join them:
augury: a sign of what might happen in the future:

Quote of the day
“The war was fought to prevent the secession, not to free the slaves. People who took up arms in the South did so because they were being invaded.”

Thomas E. Woods Jr., Real Dissent: A Libertarian Sets Fire to the Index Card of Allowable Opinion
