
Day 194 : Munchen

Back to the topic of Munich once again...

This is the 3rd largest city in Germany.

One of the homegrown Munich gentlemen told me that the 70% of the city buildings were totally or partially destroyed during the WW II.

But you could see in almost all the city areas the classic types of buildings. There's almost no glitzy buildings.

You would notice that these seem very old but were restored to original states after the war.

スクリーンショット 2020-01-23 11.25.02

The tradition and legacy need to be maintained with the people's will.

Word of the day
glitzy : 派手な、けばけばしい
Quote of the day
“For Reagan,for his contemporaries, and many in the generations after them, the word Munich was understood as code for any nation's stepping back from necessary toughness”
― Chris Matthews, Tip and the Gipper: When Politics Worked
