
Day 95 : Chance the curry

Takenacurry has been eating a dish of curry a day consecutively for more than 1,000 days already, I believe...

If you need any recommended curry restaurant, he would surely tell you where, what kind, and when...

Not just that, he could cook variety of spicy curry dishes, some of which I've tried before, and they were all so delicious and piquant.

Not just that,,, he loves curry so much that he actually established his own company named "Chance the curry".

Honestly, I do not know anyone loving curry (not a chef, not a restaurant owner, not a spice importer, but just a planning guy!) has established a company with its name related with curry.

I believe he will further succeed with his new company!!

Word of the day:
piquant : ピリッと辛い、食欲をそそる

Quote of the day:
Food makes travel so exceptional, because you get to taste what it's actually supposed to taste like. To eat the real Pad Thai or finally have a proper curry is something pretty amazing.
- Meghan Markle
