Day 1,684: congregation, coronation, pinchably, plump, bejewelled, crest
Elizabeth II ascended to the throne at the age of 25; when the congregation at her coronation sang “Long to reign over us” they could feel confident that she, with the pinchably plump flesh of youth, would do just that.
The crown might be bejewelled; the royal crest might sit on the press releases.
Artwork of the day
The Preaching of John Knox before the Lords of Congregation, 10 June 1559
David WilkieStyle:RomanticismGenre:history paintingMedia:oil, canvas
Word of the day
congregation: a group of people who have come together in a religious building for worship and prayer:
coronation: a ceremony at which a person is made king or queen:
pinchably: capable of being pinched, : to squeeze or compress painfully
plump: having a pleasantly soft, rounded body or shape:
bejewelled: wearing a lot of jewellery or decorated with precious stones:
crest: the top or highest part of something such as a wave or a hill:
Quote of the day
“This experience led me to form a hypothesis: perhaps the wisdom of birds resides, not in the individual, but in the flock, the congregation.”
― Susanna Clarke, Piranesi