
Day 59 : Tweeting and blogging (or noting..)

Tweeting on Twitter is a way of transmitting your messages, and in the past I mentioned that combination of the transmitting ways of messages could be effective.

Milni_san has been combining two ways of message-sending,  tweeting and noting on his findings or memo of marketing (and his two sons), and this is almost my first time to introduce this kind of parallel transmission case.

Especially he is a marketer, so I think he knows how he should market himself, by both twitter and note.

I have a twitter account, but don't tweet almost at all..., so I would like to know the synergetic effect of these two social media tools.

Would I be tweeting and noting (or blogging) at the same time? I'm not sure, but I can't imagine myself doing so...  So if I would do so I'm like such a prima facie message sender!!

Word of the day:
prima facie : 一応の、それらしい

Quote of the day:
“Speak your heart. If they don’t understand, the message was never meant for them anyway.”
― Yasmin Mogahed
