Day 1380: atomize, surfeit, marginalize 1 tafst10 2023年10月19日 12:39 Will that atomise them, or bring them together? Will a surfeit of centenarians marginalise the young, create a cult of youth—or both? Living to 120 is becoming an imaginable prospect Efforts to slow ageing are taking wing Artwork of the day Le ministre de la guerre atomiséJacques Le MarechalStyle: SurrealismGenre: symbolic paintingWord of the day atomise: to divide something or to be divided into partssurfeit: an amount that is too large, or is more than is neededmarginalise: to treat someone or something as if they are not important Quote of the day“I, however, was raised neither as Catholic nor as Jew. I was both, and nothing: a jewholic-anonymous, a cathjew nut, a stewpot, a mongrel cur. I was--what's the word these days?--atomised. Yessir: a real Bombay mix. ”― Salman Rushdie, The Moor's Last Sigh ダウンロード copy いいなと思ったら応援しよう! チップで応援する #1000日チャレンジ #english_essay #the_economist #marginalize #atomize #atomise #surfeit #marginalise #Jacques_Le_Marechal 1