
Day 1380: atomize, surfeit, marginalize

Will that atomise them, or bring them together? Will a surfeit of centenarians marginalise the young, create a cult of youth—or both?

Artwork of the day 
Le ministre de la guerre atomisé
Jacques Le Marechal
Style: Surrealism
Genre: symbolic painting

Word of the day 
atomise: to divide something or to be divided into parts
surfeit: an amount that is too large, or is more than is needed
marginalise: to treat someone or something as if they are not important 

Quote of the day
“I, however, was raised neither as Catholic nor as Jew. I was both, and nothing: a jewholic-anonymous, a cathjew nut, a stewpot, a mongrel cur. I was--what's the word these days?--atomised. Yessir: a real Bombay mix. ”

Salman Rushdie, The Moor's Last Sigh
