Day 38 : Every name has its meaning
In the Western countries people’s names come from bible, in many cases.
In Japan, we use Chinese characters for our names, in many cases. And the characters have a lot of meanings.
This is where the parents use their brains how they should provide the meanings to their children’s names.
So the kids usually know the meanings of their names. But there are not many cases that you share your meanings of your name, usually.
YamaP has been asking her friends on the meanings of their names! That’s a little rare.
On her instagram you could find them!
When asked, people are willing to tell you the meanings! They have great stories why your parents named you.
So it’s really nice to hear around your friends names meanings , and I will ask my friends as well!
Word of the day:
Etymology: 語源
Quote of the day:
I cannot separate the aesthetic pleasure of seeing a butterfly and the scientific pleasure of knowing what it is.
- Vladimir Nabokov