Day 1,850: iodine, cretinism, retardation, adulterated
Adding iodine to salt has made cretinism (a severe form of mental retardation) a thing of the past in places where it was once common, from China to Switzerland.
Truckloads of grain for the poor are often stolen or adulterated.
Artwork of the day
La télévision dechiquetée ou l’anti-crétinisation (Jagged Television or Anti-Cretinization)
Isidore IsouDate:1989Style:LettrismGenre:figurative
Word of the day
iodine: a chemical element that is found in small amounts in sea water and used to prevent infectioncretinism: a usually congenital condition marked by physical stunting and intellectual disability and caused by severe hypothyroidismretardation: slow development, or development that is slower than it should be:
adulterated: Adulterated foods or drugs have been made weaker or worse in quality, especially by having something added to the them:
Quote of the day
“But Noodynaady's actual ingrate tootle is of come into the garner mauve and thy nice are stores of morning and buy me a bunch of iodines. ”
― James Joyce, Finnegans Wake