
Day 1,012: excruciating

She had such excruciating pain that she had to lie quite still in her bed.

Artwork of the day
Hotel Bedroom
Lucian Freud
Date: 1954
Style: Expressionism
Genre: genre painting, self-portrait
Media: oil, canvas
Word of the day
excruciating: (of pain) extremely strong
Quote of the day 
“Morning or night, Friday or Sunday, made no difference, everything was the same: the gnawing, excruciating, incessant pain; that awareness of life irrevocably passing but not yet gone; that dreadful, loathsome death, the only reality, relentlessly closing in on him; and that same endless lie. What did days, weeks, or hours matter?”
― Leo Tolstoy, The Death of Ivan Ilych
