Day 2,027: balkanise, afterthought, ditch, mimic, mimicking, defeatism
For investors, Africa’s balkanised stock exchanges are an afterthought.
A starting-point is to ditch decades of bad ideas. These range from mimicking the worst of Chinese state capitalism, whose shortcomings are on full display, to defeatism over the future of manufacturing in the age of automation, to copying and pasting proposals by World Bank technocrats.
Artwork of the day
Hercules defeating the vices
Hans_von_AachenDate:1600Style:Mannerism (Late Renaissance)Genre:mythological painting
Word of the day
balkanise: : to break up (a region, a group, etc.) into smaller and often hostile units: DIVIDE, COMPARTMENTALIZE
afterthought: an idea, thought, or plan that was not originallyintended but is thought of at a later time: an idea or plan that was not originally intended:
ditch: to get rid of something or someone that is no longer wanted:
mimic: to copy the way someone speaks and moves, esp. in order to amuse or insult people:
defeatism: a way of thinking or behaving that shows that you have no hope and expect to fail:
Quote of the day
“I never said it was your god. Your god hates women. We were an afterthought.”
― Shelby Mahurin, Serpent & Dove