
Day 1,790: foot soldier, referendum

Its foot soldiers carry clipboards. Tens of thousands of volunteers have gathered millions of signatures to put abortion rules to state referendums.

Artwork of the day 
Royal Austrian Infantry
Heinrich Papin
Original Title: K. K. Osterreiche Granz-Infanterie
Date: c.1820
Style: Romanticism
Series: Royal Austrian Troops
Genre: genre painting
Media: lithography
Dimensions: 45.72 x 38.1 cm

Word of the day 
foot soldier: an infantryman; a soldier who fights on foot
referendum: a vote in which all the people in a country or an area are asked to give their opinion about or decide an important political or socialquestion:

Quote of the day
“I would never again be made a foot soldier in a conflict I did not understand.”

Tara Westover, Educated
