
Day 58 : 52 year-old professional soccer player

There’s only one professional soccer player who’s over 50 in the world.

Kazu Miura, or called King Kazu, played in Brazil, Italy, Croatia and of course Japan.

He’s been playing in Japan for quite a while, even though the team is in J2, it’s a professional one and people really respect him for keeping his career.

He always mentions in many media that he won’t give up playing soccer. He’s like he’s made fealty to soccer.

Hisanori Ezawa, or Besshy, tries to write about him continuously on his note. That’s also very unique and I guess there should be a lot of findings for pursuing ones’ career, with never-giving-up spirit and efforts! 

Word of the day:
fealty : 忠誠、献身

Quote of the day:
I had great relationship with the Hispanic - we had a lot of Hispanics in the school actually from different countries, Venezuela, from Brazil, and they all played soccer, and I was on the soccer team, and I developed great relationships with them.
- Donald Trump
