
Day 2,008: strife, fatalistic, despair, repudiation, jubilation

With so much strife, no wonder many share a fatalistic belief that Syria is doomed to collapse into civil war once again.

But despair is not a policy. At the least, the Assads’ fall is a repudiation of Iran and Russia, two stokers of global chaos. And witness the jubilation in Syria this week: a nation exhausted by war could yet choose the long road towards peace.

Artwork of the day 
Original Title: Wanhoop
Date: 1931; Germany
Style: Abstract Art
Genre: abstract
Media: chalk, paper
Dimensions: 16 x 11.5 cm

Word of the day 
strife: violent or angry disagreement:
fatalistic: believing that people cannot change the way events will happen and that events, especially bad ones, cannot be avoided:
despair: a feeling of being without hope or of not being able to improve a situation:
repudiation: the act of refusing to accept something or someone as true, good, or reasonable:
jubilation: a feeling of great happiness, especiallybecause of a success:

Quote of the day
“Music is the language of the spirit. It opens the secret of life bringing peace, abolishing strife.”

Kahlil Gibran
