みんなでつくる多文化祭 / 公演の内容 / Multicultural Festival for Everyone / Contents of the performance
公演概要 / Performance Overview
日付 / Date : 2024年8月17日 (Sat) / 2024/August/17 (Saturday)
時間/ Time : 18:30 -20:30
会場 / Venue : タワーホール船堀 小ホール / Tower Hall Funabori Small Hall
開演の挨拶 / Opening
Greetings from the representative of Multicultural Exchange in Koto
The MCs were students from Japan and India.
1. 「S.T.E.P.&フジ登らん」/「S.T.E.P.&Fuji noboran」
This is an international exchange group from Kamata, a band made up of members from various backgrounds. They want to deliver music from all over the world to everyone.
2. ファンキーガールズ / Funky girls
横浜から来た元気いっぱいのインド人女性たち Funky girls のパフォーマンスでした。インドの各州には独自の言語、文化、ダンスがあります。さまざまな言語の歌を織り交ぜながら、インドの豊かな多様性を表現してくれまsちた。
A performance by Funky Girls, a group of energetic Indian women from Yokohama. Each state in India has its own language, culture and dance. They expressed the rich diversity of India by interweaving songs in various languages.
3. 雲雀の会 / Unjaku no Kai
オカリナ奏者たちによる心温まるパフォーマンスでした。素朴で澄んだ音色を奏でたいと、亀戸ふれあいセンターのオカリナ教室終了後、サークルを立ち上げられたということです。そして、昨年は15 周年の発表会も開催されたということです。会員27名で練習しています。高齢者や児童施設等へのボランテイア活動も行っているということです。
A heartwarming performance by ocarina players. The group started the circle after the ocarina class at Kameido Fureai Center, hoping to play simple and clear tones. Last year, they held a recital to celebrate their 15th anniversary. There are 27 members practicing. They also volunteer for elderly people and children's facilities.
4. ブラックファイヤー ティーンガールズ / Black Fire Teen Girls
These teenage girls are from Gujarat, a state in the west of India.
They performed a mesmerizing dance that combined traditional Gujarati folk dance with a modern style.
5. 深川ハーモニカサークル / Fukagawa Harmonica Circle
深川ふれあいセンターで、毎週、ハーモニカを楽しんでいるそうです。そして、小さな楽器ハーモニカを友に、自分らしく、好きな楽曲を「ソロ」で「合奏」で、自由に奏でる喜びを一緒 に学んでいらっしゃるそうです。
They enjoy playing the harmonica every week at the Fukagawa Community Center. With the harmonica as their friend, they learn the joy of playing their favorite songs freely, in their own style, as a solo or in an ensemble.
6. 盆踊り / Bon Odori
We danced the Tanko-bushi song of the Japanese Bon Odori dance together with the audience.
7. モニカ・ボリウッド・ダンス・スクール / Monica Bollywood Dance School
They performed two folk dances from Rajasthani state in northwest India. The first was the graceful Ghooma dance, and the second was the energetic Chari dance.
8. タンゴ リトゥモ / Tango Ritmo
Tango Ritmo(タンゴリトゥモ)のSyuhei&Yuri(シュウヘイ&ユリ)による情熱的なアルゼンチンタンゴのパフォーマンス。
A passionate Argentine tango performance by Syuhei & Yuri of Tango Ritmo.
9. ガルバ クィーン 1 / Garba Queen 1
A folk dance from the Gujarat region of India. They performed the vibrant Garba dance and the graceful Dandiya Raas.
10. ベリーダンス / Belly Dance
エジプシャンスタイル のベリーダンスです。ダンサーは、Jena Oriental Dance Sutudio(ジェナ・オリエンタル・ダンス・スタジオ)に所属するKIYOMIさんです。
An Egyptian style belly dance. The dancer is KIYOMI, a member of Jena Oriental Dance Studio.
11. ガルバ クィーン 2 / Garba Queen 2
It was a performance that combined Indian show business, known as Bollywood, with the folk dance of the Gujarat region. At the end, the audience danced together and had a great time.
締めの挨拶 / Closing
Closing remarks by Watanabe Kaicho of the Multicultural Exchange in Koto Group and a commemorative photo of everyone
From the two co-representatives of "Multicultural Exchange with Everyone in Koto" ans Watanabe Kaicho
みんなで多文化交流in江東のメンバーが初めて取り組んだ「みんなでつくる多文化祭」。 さまざまな国の音楽とダンスを、みなで楽しむイベントとなりました。
"Multicultural Festival Created by Everyone." was the first cultural event by Multicultural Exchange with everyone in Koto where everyone could enjoy music and dance from various countries.
多文化共生には、対話をして、異なる考え方を認め合う場が必要と言われています。 多文化祭の準備の間、私たちはSNS上で毎日たくさんのやりとりをして、打ち合わせも何度も行い、たくさんたくさん対話しました。話す言葉が英語になったり、日本語になったり。あまりにごちゃごちゃして、うっかり日本人同士が英語で話したり。 インドではそうなんだー、このダンスってそうなんだー、高齢者はそうなんだー、などさまざまな学びがありました。
The members of Multicultural exchange with everyone in Koto worked together to make this event possible within a short period of time. It is said that multicultural coexistence requires a place for communication and acceptance of different ways of thinking. During the preparations for the Multicultural Festival, we communicated a lot on social media every day, had many meetings, and had a lot of conversations. The language the members speak is either English or Japanese. At times it was so confusing that Japanese people ended up talking to each other in English. While working on this project we learned a lot of things, such as that's how it is in India, that's how this dance is, and that's how elderly people are.
我々のいいところは、違いを受け入れ、プラスの力に変えていけるところです。 「 違いをプラスにする力」、それが我々の2年間半の活動の成果だと思ったイベントとなりました。
The good thing about us is that we accept differences and turn them into positive forces. The power to make a positive difference was possible as a result of our two and a half years of activities.
出演者のみなさま、すばらしいパフォーマンスをありがとうございました。 見学者のみなさま、同じ時間を楽しく過ごしてくれてありがとうございました。(中野)
Thanks to all the performers for their wonderful performances. Our sincere gratitude to all the visitors for making our time so enjoyable. (Nakano)
Last night (8/17)we (Minna de Tabunka Kouryu in Koto) organized a Multicultural dance and music event. This was our first event on such a large scale. Our event was a huge success, showcasing incredible talent and bringing people from different countries for an unforgettable experience.
A huge thanks to everyone who made it possible from the talented dancers to the supportive audience and our dedicated team. I would like to mention that we arranged this event in just a span of one month with a very limited number of volunteers and efficient coordination.
才能あふれるダンサー、観客の応援、チームの献身など、このイベントを実現してくれたすべての人に心から感謝します。また、このイベントが、非常に限られた数のボランティアが効率的にコーディネートしたことで、わずか 1 か月で準備できたことをお伝えしたいと思います。
I would like to thank all our Coordinators who made it possible. We are thrilled with how everything came together and look forward to creating even more magical moments in the future. (Yogi)
What did you think of the "Multicultural Festival Made by Everyone"?
I had a lot of fun.
I'd like to ask everyone, the performers and the audience who came to watch, how did you all feel?
The decision to hold the festival was suddenly made in July, and it took a month to find a venue and recruit performers. There were no rehearsals, and the festival was truly handmade.
But in reality, at the end of the performance, the audience stood up and danced along with the stage, and it was a fun time.
Thank you to all the performers, the audience, and the volunteers who helped out. Thank you so much. This concludes the show. Thank you very much. (Watanabe)