
Participating in the Sumida Multicultural Festival / すみだ万博に参加 (24/11/17)

Yesterday (24/11/17), Minnade Tabunka Kouryu in Koto had the privilege of participating in the Sumida Multicultural Festival. It was a fantastic event, with outstanding performances from all the participating groups.

昨日 (24/11/17)、みんなで多文化交流in江東 は、すみだ多文化フェスティバル(すみだ万博)に参加する機会に恵まれました。参加したすべてのグループが素晴らしいパフォーマンスを披露し、素晴らしいイベントとなりました。

I would like to express my gratitude to Monica Bollywood Dance, BCS Japan (Bharat Cultural Society) and the India Bengal Cultural Association Japan for joining us and delivering such wonderful performances.


A special thanks also goes to the 刈谷仁路志 from Sumida Multicultural Association for inviting us to be part of this meaningful event. We look forward to more opportunities like this in the future.

