
【英文Only】何があなたを幸せにしますか? :What makes you happy?

【私の記事では 日本人英語学習者の為の "生きた英語" を文章で伝えることを目的としています。是非記事の内容に関することや感想をコメントで頂き、コミュニティ・ディスカッションの場にできれば幸いです!】

What makes you happy?

This is an arresting question.  Not at all straight forward.   Our friend would often pose this question, likely in some attempt to simplify a discussion that might be all over the map (at least with me).  But also, to reframe it and provide some perspective.

I don’t think anyone would argue that it’s a pretty darn good question.  One that likely evolves within each of us in different ways at different times in different places of our lives.  And it’s also dependent on the context – at work, with our friends, our partners, walking down the street – each on their own, and in sum.  In other words, its hard to pin down.

I’m sure there are stacks of research on this topic, and we’re likely not going to hit any new ground here.  But optimism, like its twin, pessimism, can be contagious.  We all have our moments of negativity, or self-doubt (damn you confidence gremlins!), that can be difficult to shake.  Turning the corner into a happier spot sometimes is as simple as doing something small for yourself - or for someone else.  Let the happiness contagion loose!  (I’m thinking t-shirts with that last sentence on them.)

As we finished the holidays (GW), which can sometimes feel more hectic at times than happy, I wish everyone many, many answers to this question – and time to explore new answers to what makes you happy after the holiday season.  
