
【英文Only】火星には昆虫が必要?: Mars Needs Bugs & Insects

【私の記事では 日本人英語学習者の為の "生きた英語" を文章で伝えることを目的としています。是非、英語学習に役立てて頂きつつ、記事の内容に関することや感想をコメントで頂けますと幸いです!】

I get it.
A “Bugs & Insects” subject line will rarely elicit the same kind of enthusiasm as say, “Cats”, “Dogs” or “Chickens”.  But thank you for taking the bait and being open to the idea that for the next few minutes, we’re going to spend time on insects.

Love them or hate them, bugs are core to our survival as a species, which is sort of a big deal.  Whether it’s here or other planets.  And that is exactly the challenge for those of us who have considered residing on Mars in the future. Unpack your bags and cancel the movers – Mars just isn’t ready for us yet, in large part because it doesn’t have bugs.
fyi: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/27/science/mars-needs-insects.html

While it would be rather nice to avoid bugs and what they leave behind (read: bug waste) (writers note: there was a great debate in my head as to which noun to use instead of “waste”) we the people wouldn’t last long.  

While there are always going to be nouns we’re not super excited about – whether they be certain ideas, or situations, or procedures, (or bugs) - they are often good for us.

Next time you see an insect crawling across your floor, or get a mosquito bite, thank them on behalf of humanity for their contributions to our survival.
