I participated in the 42.195km relay at the Tokyo Rokutai Festival as a member of New Balance Run Club Tokyo's Team B (Team 338).
Seven members, including myself, both male and female, passed the baton and completed the 42.195km course in 26 laps!
Our time was 3 hours 15 minutes 37 seconds, and we placed 82nd overall out of 162 teams, and 59th out of 111 teams in the mixed gender division.
This was my first relay marathon with multiple people in two years since Relay Festival 2022 for me , but it was really great to be able to have fun running while passing the baton to everyone!
I would also like to participate in a relay marathon!
#東京マラソン財団 #東京ロクタイフェス2024 #ロクタイ #フルマラソンリレー #東京都 #調布市 #味の素スタジアム #ニューバランス #NewBlanceRunClubTokyo #チーム338 #リレーマラソン