


     ①The social psychologist and writer Daniel Gilbert suggests that human being are “works in progress that mistakenly think they’re finished.” ②And he claims, “the person you are right now doesn’t remain as it is. ③It is as temporary as all the people you’ve ever been. ④The one constant in our lives is change.” ⑤Time is a powerful force, he says, and one that perpetually revises our values, personalities, and preferences in everything from music and the places we would like to go to friendship.


(1) 1つめの and は何と何を結ぶのか?
(2) one が指すものは何か?
(3) in everything from … friendship はどこに係るのか?
(4) in everything from … friendship の構造はどうなっているのか?

* 解説編①はこちら☟
