
密なし愛ありでHAPPY❤️DATEする袖ケ浦 Happy without dense but with love❤️Have a date in Sodegaura


Sodegaura City is celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2021. It's been two years since covid-19 started afflicting the world ... Though it's hard to go far, why don't you enjoy 30th anniversary of our hometown Sodegaura with your loved ones? 


デートの楽しみ方 How to enjoy Local DATE

①二人で行けばそれはもうデート! If you go together, it's already a date!


Couples, husband and wife,  grandparent and grandchild, parent and child, brother and sister, friends... Now is a chance to have a date with your loved ones!

②とにかくのんび〜〜〜り。Just relaaaaaax.


No more "sightseeing tiredness" from moving around! Because it is a local with no traffic jams, let's spend time luxuriously to refresh your mind and body.

③記憶と記録を残そう!Let's leave your memory and record!

思い出は2人の心の中に残るけど、せっかくだから周りの人にも幸せをおすそ分けしましょう。袖ケ浦市公式Instagram #ソデスタグラム でシェア♪

Your memories will remain in yourself, but since it's a big deal, let's share your happiness with those around us. Share on Sodegaura City Official Instagram #ソデスタグラム♪

おすすめプラン Recommended plan

A. ありがち?でもない!パークピクニックデート Too common? no! Park Picnic Date

B. ほどよくエクササイズ!ポタリングデート Good exercise! Puttering Date

C. 雨でもOK! ミュージアムデート. It's OK even in the rain! Museum Date


袖ケ浦市に住むヒト(移住希望者)は必見?! マガジン購読いただいたの方には紙媒体のGAURAZINE(※紙媒体のGAURAZINEは一部500円で発行しております)をプレゼント。 購読せずに、紙媒体版をご希望の方はsus.lab.terra@gmail.comまで

袖ケ浦を愛してやまない者による、袖ケ浦を知りたい人への新しいローカルカルチャー誌。コンセプトは「半歩下がって袖ケ浦の魅力を伝えたい。」 T…
