Unimedia INTERVIEW⑦ 〜Design Team〜
“Front-end,” the two’s voices overlapped without any hesitation.
Having experience in both front-end and back-end, Bayar-Och and Byambajargal were definitely satisfied with their work in Unimedia Solutions LLC.
Designing team in Unimedia is consisted with several members: two for coding and two for providing sketches for the web design. Today, I interviewed Bayar-Och and Byambajargal, two members in coding the designs.
Development of the page’s system, and development of the page’s appearance, back-end and front-end exist in web development. Coding the appearance, Bayar-Och’s and Byambajargal’s designs are on the front-end.
"Front end developers use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to code the website and web app designs created by web designers. The code we write runs inside the user’s browser (as opposed to a back end developer, whose code runs on the web server),” Bayar-Och said.
“In Mongolia, Front end development is not taught at universities. The problem is that web development evolves too quickly so a person needs to learn by themselves,” Bayar-Och explained.
Javascript, HTML, and CSS being the basic codes for web designs, “they are the most important codes for front-end developers,” Byambajargal added to his partner’s remark.
“But it’s hard,” they both mouthed.
While clients wouldn’t be able to see the backend and judge the quality of the codes, even clients unexperienced could always look at the web site and judge the quality of its appearance.
However, like other developers in Unimedia, they didn’t seem to take studyings and challenges so negatively.
“So much experience here in our company,” Bayar-Och said.
“Every time we come here and we learn and get new experiences.”
“Through web designing, we could communicate not only with our project leader, but also with clients too.” Bayar-Och and Byambajargal, enjoying the connection and interaction in wide range, they seemed to hold pride and passion to their work in Unimedia.
モンゴルにある Unimedia Solutions LLCで働く2人。デザインチームにインタビューした。
2人が行うフロントエンドとは、WEBページのデザイン。実際にユーザーが操作するページだ。フロントエンドでは、主にHTML、CSS、 JavaScriptが使われている。