Unimedia INTERVIEW⑥ 〜Naisyoku-Ichiba Project〜
A one man project, Sanjaasuren now works on a Naisyoku-Ichiba Project in Unimedia Solutions LLC in Mongolia.
Although the team started with about 10 members, the project has finished its development phase and now can function with less number of people.
“The team is actually 2 members right now,” he said. However, because the other member broke his leg, he was currently off from work, leaving Sanjaasuren alone in his project.
Naisyoku-Ichiba is a project connecting companies and crowd users.
“Some companies don’t have enough employees,” Sanjaasuren explained naisyoku-ichiba’s role in providing companies “crowds” of workers.
Another merit, he explained, was how workers could carry out the jobs at home and even get payed more.
Sanjaasuren explained that Naisyoku-Ichiba has been his first project ever since he entered Unimedia two years ago. In the developing phase, he participated almost everywhere in the project.
“Knowing a little bit of all the systems in Naisyoku-Ichiba might be why I was told to stay in this project after the development phase,” he said.
Because the system is already on use, without permission, he cannot add or change some things in the front end. However, there are still a lot of things to work on in the back end.
“There are a lot of codes in this system,” he said, “so I work on making the coding beautiful.”
Currently, he also fixes bugs and works on making the system run faster and more safely.
“Exciting,” he described his work.
“I like how the system becomes better and better every time I do something about it.”
Enthusiasm he held on his work was definitely something that I had to learn from.
Sanjaasurenさん、モンゴルのUnimedia Solutions LLCで、1人で内職市場のプロジェクトを運営している。