コミティア147に参加します!スペースは東1 せ04b
漫画「THE FOREST」(Amazon様、架空ストア様でも発売中)
絵本「エレ・フワンとリリ」(絶版:Amazon.co.jp: エレ・フワンとリリ (メディアファクトリーのキャラクターブック) : 木月すみよし: 本)
ポストカードセット (架空ストア様でバラ売りしています)
これからも 改善をしていきます。
About Comitia147
●Items for sale
Manga "THE FOREST" (also available at Amazon and The Kakuu Store)
Picture book "Ēlēe-foin et Lilie" (Published by Media Factory in 2009)
Sikisi (on sale at Booth)
Postcards (also available individually at The Kakuu Store)
●Iwill not sign on Pokemon Cardgame and Pokemon goods.
●The commission that I could finish on the event is line drawings only.
●I have decided to stop signing Ooyama Game's cards. The cards are difficult for me to erase the draft lines later, and the result is not clean. It is difficult for me to draw without draft.
●I understand Japanese and a little English.
I can't understand any other languages.
There are not human trancerators.
●I would use a translation software and writing.
Because I'm not good at hearing in bustling place.
I'm afraid that I might ask you to repeat several times and might bother you.
●Comitia is the quiet and homey event for original manga and illustrations.
The space is small. I would ask you not to bother for neighbors.
I have recently started attending events and this is only my third time. There are some understanding that I can get from my experience of attending. I will continue to make improvements.
Thank you for your understanding.
I'm looking forward to meeting you!
Sumiyoshi Kizuki