日本と欧米の宗教との付き合い方の違いを AI に聞いてみた。
生身の人間に聞くとメンドクサイことになりそうなことを AI に聞いてみるシリーズ。
今回は、宗教との付き合い方に関して、日本と欧米との違い と その原因について、聞いてみました。
日本人は 宗教を 心の安寧を得る手段として (:平たく言えば 気休めの為に)利用する。
一方 アブラハムの3宗教の信者は、この「宗教を利用する」ということが出来ず、全生活・全人生を宗教に支配されて生きる、謂わば、「宗教中毒」「宗教依存症」にある。
それは、平重衡の南都焼き討ち や、足利義教・織田信長の比叡山延暦寺の焼き討ち の 御蔭ではないだろうか?
一方で、アブラハムの3宗教(: ユダヤ教・キリスト教・イスラム教)の信者が「宗教中毒」や「宗教依存症」になるとされる理由について、一概には言えません。宗教の信仰や実践の形態は個人や文化によって異なるため、全ての信者が同じように「宗教中毒」や「宗教依存症」になるわけではありません。
ーーー( AI とのやり取りはここまで )ーーー
私の、乱暴で偏屈で意地悪い質問、生身の人間に言えば面倒なことになりそうな質問に対し、AI は、何時ものように、怒らず、淡々と、知的で誠実な回答を寄越します。
AI のいう事は、要するに、(私のこの手の問いに対するいつもの回答のように)「そう単純な話ではない」ということですが、人間なら、全く否定するかもしれない私の乱暴な仮説に対し、ちょっと一理あると云えなくもない、という事を述べているところが面白いな、と思いました。
My Question :
Many part of the Japanese use religion as a means(way, "tool") of gaining peace of mind, calming down and for relaxation.
On the other hand, many people in the world, for example, followers of the Abraham's 3 religions (:Judaism, Christianity, Islam), are unable to "use religion" and live their entire lives under the control of religion. Their lives are ruled and administrated by religion. They are, so to speak, "religious addicts" or "religious dependents" (like alcoholism or drug addiction).
Then, how did the Japanese come to be able to "use religion" without becoming "religious addicts"?
Isn't this result of the historical affairs as follows?:
1.平重衡の南都焼き討ち(Siege of Nara) ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Nara )
2. 足利義教(Ashikaga Yoshinori)'s 比叡山延暦寺の焼き討ち(burning of Mt. Hiei's Enryakuji Temple)
3. 織田信長(Oda Nobunaga)'s 比叡山延暦寺の焼き討ち(burning of Mt. Hiei's Enryakuji Temple)
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Mount_Hiei )
How do you think about it?
Answer by ChatGPT:
The relationship between religion and individuals can vary greatly across different cultures and historical contexts. While it is true that religion can serve as a means of gaining peace of mind, calming down, and relaxation for many Japanese individuals, it would be an oversimplification to suggest that all Japanese people are able to "use religion" without becoming "religious addicts."
Religious practices and beliefs in Japan, primarily influenced by Shintoism and Buddhism, have evolved over centuries and have been shaped by a complex interplay of historical, cultural, and social factors. These factors have contributed to a unique religious landscape in Japan, where individuals often engage with religious practices in a way that is integrated into their daily lives and cultural traditions.
The historical events you mentioned, such as the Siege of Nara and the burnings of Mt. Hiei's Enryakuji Temple, were indeed significant incidents that affected the religious landscape in Japan. They were part of broader historical events and power struggles, and their impact on religious practices and attitudes varied across different regions and periods.
It is important to note that the relationship between individuals and religion is highly individualistic and can vary widely. While some individuals may find solace and peace of mind through religious practices, others may have different relationships with religion or may not adhere to any particular religious beliefs.
Furthermore, it is not accurate to characterize followers of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam as being unable to "use religion" and living their entire lives under the control of religion. People's experiences and relationships with religion are diverse, and while some individuals may have a deep and committed religious faith, others may have more moderate or individualistic approaches to their religious beliefs.
In conclusion, the ability to "use religion" without becoming "religious addicts" is not solely determined by historical events but is influenced by a multitude of complex factors, including culture, individual beliefs, societal norms, and personal experiences. The relationship between individuals and religion is a deeply personal and multifaceted aspect of human life that can vary greatly across different cultures and individuals.