MAD MONEY 文字起こし 18JUN21 Next Week’s Game Plan, Flexport CEO & Am I Diversified

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Cramer Welcome to Mad Money. Welcome to Kramer aka my friends just try to Well keep you from losing a lot of money. My job is not just entertainment but educate put this like this in context, call me one 807 43 CNBC or tweet me at Jim Cramer in the stock market and perhaps only in the stock market. words speak louder than actions. That's how it works when regional fed president can say some things about rate hikes on CNBC and knocked down the entire stock market without the help of a real rate hike. The Dow tumbling 533 points, the s&p sinking 1.3% and the NASDAQ 1.92% dip this morning James board the St. Louis Fed president came on air and said we could get hit with a rate as soon as late 2022. Given the Fed chief Jay Powell just had told you not to worry until say late 2003. I can't blame anyone for feeling surprised or spooked by board comments. But the truth is, this is exactly how it is supposed to be done. This is so well orchestrated. Powell says he wants to be sure that the economy keeps growing, but bore mind just that we need to be wary of inflation. By the time the actual rate hike rolls around. Whether we're talking late 2022 or late 2023. nobody will care. I couldn't orchestrate this better myself. And I've been through everything tightening cycle since 81. These guys are total pros. I mean, I think that we are able to crush inflation just by talking about the idea of raising interest rates not necessarily having to raise them. That's the good news. The bad news is that the sell off probably isn't done. As we told you on Monday with help of Laurie Williams, that legendary technician, we like so much history says we're in for a series of miserable days. This is a pattern it's held true every year for the last 22 years. Why would we not think it would repeat itself again, and it means we could have another say down two or three days before the late June swoon comes to an end. So why don't we start there with the recognition that the Fed is in mourning mode and morning mode just like when the warning mode goes off in your car can be brutal. good place to start. Because board. Oh well guess what he's beginning in Monday.

And if he wants to he can walk things back, but I don't think he will. That's why I suspect that we aren't yet out of the woods. Let's porous with board has to say if he doesn't drop the 2022 rate hike talk. I expect the averages to keep getting hit with money flowing into the high growth stocks by midday perhaps late day that thrive in a slowing economy in the Adobe and video capacity dimension and fall out of construction farm equipment aerospace oil plays industrials, especially if oil policy or the commodity is lower. Yep, commodities of all shapes and sizes are retreating right now after an unprecedented run, because traders are suddenly worried the Fed will lower the boom on them with a series of swift rate hikes. It's been done before it will happen again. Some people say we're getting mixed messages from the Fed. I mean that that that well. That's why on Tuesday, well, we got to pay close attention with Jay Powell speaks again, if he wants to take the bolts out of Moore's blunderbuss he can do so but I don't think he will bore his comments are too useful when it comes to getting inflation under control. Why don't you do this? Consider PAL and board basically good cop and bad cop. Even though I can tell you in real life. Both these guys are really good guys. So if pelt doesn't define boards comments and the market falls I think that's the time to do some selective buying in higher growth stocks like Adobe which shot the lights out last date or AMD which will soon close on the Xilinx deal or Amazon which has had about to have Prime Day which is really a two day shop extravaganza that begins on Monday. Why don't you call the aaa aaa card you have one like I didn't do museum for like six I save $16 true on Saturday, Wednesday after running that gauntlet of fed speak it's time to return to reality with to Ernie supports Winnebago and KB homes. Now we know the RV and motorhome industry is on fire right now. But it hasn't mattered to the stocks at all. Four industries is basically sold out of motor homes for the year and yet one reports it got no lift whatsoever maybe if Winnebago tells a good story for can move to that said many people think of these as a pandemic play because winnebagos are cleaner safer went to vacation. So maybe the stock goes down no matter what. Alright, how about this KB homes it needs to confirm everything, though ignored just told us about the fantastic state of the housing market yesterday morning. I know the home builders are incredibly simple, but it won't be knocked down by a few early rainy nights that are still a year or two down the road, provided the home voters speak in unison about the strength of market. If KB homes does that, I would actually circle back to when or if it's down on Monday, because it's been the biggest beneficiary from the current cycle. And it just reported magnificent quarter Wednesday night by the way very good. comScore. Accenture reports on Thursday morning. And tech consultants greatness continues to allude people, I recommend listening to the conference quote, because centers are a great source of information about how businesses can improve their efficiency by going digital. They help you go digital, but also have a lot to say about the overall demand for Kent Carver, which I think is very strong. Thursday night, we have to make or breaks for the entire market for Nike and we got FedEx are the two Nikes, the most problematic members of dow stock, because we're expecting a big number from their us business. But at the same time, the possibility of a weaker Chinese number think boycott is very much on the table. We sold Nike a long time holding the charitable trust, which can fall one by joining the action alerts plus calm club, because we didn't want some overly aggressive and was trying to make a name for him or herself. Day a CEO john Don, who on the genre on the conference call. And john, what do you think about religious freedom in China? Imagine? I mean, Donna is a great guy. That's a tough, that's a tough one. China's a big market for them. His answer could crush the stock. Still, if Nike can make the numbers and they can dodge that question, I suspect you'll be rewarded with a series of price target boosts maybe even upgraded to because it's fallen so much. Great story, but not if China stays as important as it's been. And it's hard to ever think that China will be minimize FedEx. I think FedEx has a fantastic situation. But this is one that may not be able to maintain its momentum. Remember, United Parcel spoke recently the stock got crushed, couldn't be that growth eludes them, because they want good profit margins. I think parents who do both, it's that well run right now. And it does have the edge over ups will have ups prices better. So I'm saying the next time ups reports, I might buy some more for the travel trust, we sold some higher because it is a good story and extremely negative reaction to the recent analysts to actually took me by surprise. Finally on Friday, we get the best read on small and medium sized business formation. When we hear of course for paychecks, the payroll processor that we spend so much time talking to on the show, typically the stock comes in hot and then gets clobbered no matter what when they say even good things. This time the stocks been clobbered. And so it might be a good buy going into the quarter markets down, down, down. This day you buy some paychecks okay. But last time we had paychecks on the show, they still hadn't seen any pickup lift at all business formation around the country. Judging from my own experience, though, they might change their tune. This quarter, we also get the single most important heads up about the biggest source of inflation in this entire economy. And that used cars. We'll get it from car maps, yes, car maps reports, and it will tell us what we need to know about the biggest jumper it was even referenced. Have you heard it? What Chairman Powell talked about as being used cars are a real big problem. The automakers can't keep up with demand because of the semiconductor shortage. So people who do use cars are buying them you need cars desperate, they're buying news. And they're buying them actually through the price of new cars right now, that now that we have finally a break in commodities, we need to hear that used cars have become more plentiful. Unfortunately, I doubt that's what we're going to hear from carmax could be tough. Bottom line on Monday. I warn you that today and next Monday could be very ugly. And then you can start picking some things up late and Tuesday or early Wednesday. Let's remember we're going for singles and doubles next week. There's no need to swing for the fences in this new work tractors market. You're only going to strike out. I want to go to david in my home state of New Jersey, David.

I Jim, thanks for taking my call. Unfortunately. summit New Jersey. Yes hilltopper. I bought Newell brands ticker en WL on the day before the Memorial Day weekend, as you and the Larry Williams charts recommended yes shorter. The shorter holding period recommended expired with the stock down but not below the stop. The longer holding period suggested ended today. The stock is down about 8% after the Fed announcements the last few days and your strong recommendation to continue to buy stocks that offer good returns is Newell brands. Buy

oh wait to buy. This is a multi year turning noodle and it actually will transcend the summer. I love that waves piece. But no, this is a new rule. It reminds me of the old old rule. I would stay long the stock fellow Hill topper. Let's go to jack in Missouri, jack. Hey, how you doing, Jim? Baby jack? Good.

First of all, I need to thank you for your action alert. It's wonderful.

Yesterday's conference call, I threw everything at you.

And your staff, and even all the folks on CNBC. They help me all day. And then I'd like to see you in the morning and then suddenly show up in the evening. But

I actually would love to just tell everybody, it's the staff that because everybody needs to hear we've been working really hard. So go ahead,

let me help. Four and a half years ago, my wife and I started investing. And after all of your help, we are financially secure for the rest of our lives. There you go.

That's why we do it. That's why I haven't retired. There we are. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. jackin this story.

Back in March, I purchased some Boeing that 100 shares of it and it really hasn't gone anywhere. Do I need to hang on to that or?

Yes. Now I think people are worried jacking again. Thank you for those kind comments. I think when they report people gonna be worried that they might do a giant equity offering. I think I've said over and over again. I do not think this quarter is good. I have been saying that. I think the stock goes lower. That said, I do want you to buy it. Okay, so earlier this week, I warn you that today could be ugly. Wow. By the way, I'm expecting even more paint on Monday. After that. Maybe we'll start picking among the rubble. I'll be here to help on their money tonight. This today's decline following comments from a top fed official. Have you searching for place of work in a slow growth economy? I'll tell you which stocks to add to your shopping list then plenty of people have worded Cathy's are but it's it's still worth following the money matters investments. I'm gonna take a closer look at how they work. And the dominoes keep falling in the global supply chain demands pushing capacity to bring but could a private company help the shipping industry find a solution and maybe some more space on those containers? Don't miss my sit down with flex port and stay with Kramer.

Don't miss a second of Mad Money. Follow at Jim Cramer on Twitter. Have a question. Tweet, Cramer hashtag mad tweets, send Jim an email to Mad or give us a call at one 807 43 CNBC miss something head to Mad get an edge invest like a pro access CNBC live streams around the globe, unparalleled access to CNBC experts actionable investor insight and ideas start your free trial slash Pro.

When you think the market is headed, lower sell, sell, sell, sell, sell, sell, sell, when you come out with specific days where it's likely to fall. You're not allowed to be shocked by the ugliness of the action. That that's how a lot of people seem to be feeling if the one two punch of Fed chair Jay Powell acknowledged he may need to raise face in 2023. And then St. Louis Fed President Jim board telling us on CNBC that those rate hikes might come as soon as 2022. At least the late portion. Obviously, the stock market never likes anything that signals higher rates might be coming sooner than expected. When it comes to the Fed Wall Street's scared of its own shadow. That's just how the market always reacts. That is one reason the major reason why shared Larry Williams is technical work earlier in the week, Monday, because he spotted a late June swoon pattern this played out every year for the last 22 years. His conclusion, if you want to do some buying, you should wait until the closer let's say to the end of next week. Not this week. Of course, when the stock market's down, there's always an impulse to do something, anything I mean, can react the decline. But sometimes the best thing you can do is nothing. I think it's too soon to buy the dip, both because of the calendar issue. And because there'll be more people reacting to the board interview on Monday, but I also probably think it's a little too late to sell. Once we get that washed out. I recommend buying tech because tech historically is what works. When investors are worried about slowing growth. I can already hear the objection slowing growth. Isn't the economy supposed to be red hot? Okay, so we got a strong economy, but there were many areas that seem to be overheating, and they're now cooling down rather quickly. Basically, we had a bunch of shortages. produce much higher prices. But those shortages are taking care of themselves. Thanks to the magic of the free market, something that Jay pal predicted a long time ago. The entire commodity complex is reminding us that no matter what you hear, these markets tend to be self regulating commodities, usually the first rollover, that's great news for the consumers were in community. commodity prices were very big reason why the price of food just keeps going up and up. Meanwhile, we had a surge in chemical prices after winter storm Yuri knocked out all sorts of petrochemical plants along the Gulf Coast. Oh, that's been terrible for consumers. Higher plastic costs flowed through to just about everything. So it's great that a bunch of new plants are coming online. And that should bring down the price of plastics. Even in a booming economy and new capacity comes online prices come down. lumber, soy, corn, copper, oh, you name it. It's falling. Yep, we're getting inflation under control. Strictly through the feds jawboning. We didn't need a rate hike. We just needed them to float the idea of some rate hikes two years from now, that way, whenever we get the actual rate hikes, there's no giant sell off because the spice was already baked in. It's being baked in right now. This was the cake being made today. But say, You don't believe me? Maybe you think technical analysis, a bunch of Hocus Pocus, that the 22 year thing you've decided, well, this is your 23 it's not gonna happen. stuff from Larry Williams is about a June swoon. That's meaningless. I say fine. Put that aside. Let's look for something that works in this environment with a strong catalyst coming something like Amazon. Next week on Monday and Tuesday, they have their big Prime Day Sale. I'm buying a pair of Zeiss binoculars unless you want to buy them for me. And I think that we this is going to show you how strong the franchise's post pandemic. I mean, Amazon with his Prime Day is exactly the kind of stock I could see buying here. We just cut a piece of research from JP Morgan pointing out that the retail business is on fire at the time he is going to be great web services, his worry. And best of all, the advertising business could bring in 28 billion in revenue this year with being gross margins. That's a huge number. There you have a catalyst and incredible data point and a group that works when people are worried about a slowing economy. I'll give you my blessing by Amazon on Monday, but only if it's down. Otherwise, just take a pair. Man money is back

after the break. Coming up. Her company has been taking the competition to the woodshed with both positions. What do you need to know right now? About Wall Street's one woman Wrecking Crew? Kramer explains next. CNBC is workforce Executive Council is a premier group of C suite Human Resources executives from leading companies across the country. It offers a members only portal and chat plus exclusive industry content. With access to breaking news calls and digital networking experiences. The network and resources HR leaders need now applied to the workforce Executive Council at CNBC slash WEC.

For the last six weeks, the hyper growth stocks have finally shown some signs of life it just many months in the doghouse. But before you get too excited, you need to know that we're not going back to the speculative mania 2020 Why not? Look last year. These turbocharged turbocharged growth stocks benefit from what I call a powerful virtuous circle. There was so much money pouring into the group that it would send the stocks higher, which in turn learned even more money. The best example look at Ark invests the family of exchange traded funds run by Cathy wood, arguably the best money manager of 2020, who made people fortunes with some terrific cold shots, like pushing Tesla and Bitcoin at much lower levels much lower. really fabulous. Thanks for your incredible performance Woods funds, were obviously flooded with money last year. It's something we talked about five months ago how all this cash coming in and gave her a ton of firepower. If you tried to bet against the hyper growth stocks, you were betting against Cathy wood with a bazooka. But earlier this year, the speculative growth stocks going out of style the wall street fashion show as investors rotated into the kind of boom and bust cyclical stocks that make the most money in a rapidly expanding economy. Now I warn you that arch funds suffered from a glaring flaw, a ridiculous lack of diversification. So as Cathy Woods favorite holdings lost her momentum, her ETFs they got hammered. Right now though I'm less concerned with the performance of Ark invest ETFs and more concerned with the fund flows, meaning how much new money is coming into their coffers to manage. Five months ago, Ark was still benefiting from the virtuous circle I talked about at the beginning of the year, calculated all this new money coming in and she used it to buy even more of her favorite stocks, which pushed them higher still bolstering the performance of her funds, which then brings in even more money. Well, Ark invest ETFs all peaked in February. He's positive fund flows continues to April and this isn't there was a buy the dip mindset give him Woods tremendous track record and again I creditor tremendous lots investors kept throwing money at the funds a weakness. But you see that's normally the case. Buyers don't take so much underperformance. So in May Ark experienced its first month of negative flows in over a year and a half. So far those negative flows have continued for June, even as our sinking funds have rebounded from new lows and short even with the hyper growth stocks bouncing off the bottom. The Bulls here have a lot less firepower, because Cathy wood no longer has a bazooka. So I want you to just look at Ark invest largest funds. Right now they have eight ETFs. But the top three dwarf the rest. You got the ark innovation, the flagship fund that surged from $125. The beginning of the year to just under 6160. At its February highs one to 160. Okay, these are all really good charts of what looked to be head and shoulders patterns since then is pulled back hard for the 119 as of today, at these levels. Art Innovation Fund is now down now nearly 5% for the year. Sp is up 11% NASDAQ's gained nearly 9% of the same period, Ark innovations largest holdings, your Tesla teladoc, Roku square, Shopify, Zillow, and zoom video. These are great companies but they're also widely viewed as COVID stocks that wall street was interested once people started getting vaccinated in large numbers. Then there's our genomic revolution. Their biotech fun is down 7% for the year, including roughly 25% pledge from its February highs once again, same pattern. There you got our vignette arc next generation internet, which is only down less than 2% for the year. It is it's fallen nearly 25% from its February highs do not get me wrong. Cathy wood stole incredible long term performance since the end of 2019. Her five largest ETFs are all up more than 100%. trouncing the benchmarks deservedly show, she is a wizard, her smaller funds have done better than the larger ones this year, even as they've come down substantially from their highs. But today, we're not really trying to evaluate Kathy Woods performance that really doesn't interest me in this piece. We're trying to get our heads around the ark invest phenomenon in itself. So let's talk fund flows. Whenever there are more buyers than sellers of the ETF third party market makers will effectively create new shares, they buy up all the underlying stocks, then turn those stocks into the ETF issuer and receive a corresponding number of new shares. When that happens, it's called it inflow. And like I said before, inflows create virtuous circles. For over a year arc invest funds benefited from some enormous inflows However, you can also have outflows if there are more sellers than buyers, then ETF shares can be redeemed third party market makers will turn in their units and get a basket of the underlying stocks in return, which they then sell. And that's that outflow obviously puts downward pressure on the whole basket of stocks in the ETF. now heading into the hyper growth peak in February, Ark invest was still seeing massive inflows more than 8 billion in January fall by just under 8 billion in February would have been closer to 10 billion if gone for some massive outflows at the last four trading days of the month. As some investors got spooked when the super speculative growth stocks started, started to collapse. Now ever since we highlighted the ark invest phenomena in January. We've been watching the fun flows here in tedious detail. Once March rolled around Kathy Woods favorite stocks were getting clocked. But our funds the one in new money, I'll be in a lot less than February archstone, which was March came in 781 million. That's a lot of money. It was a real battleground. Ark had heavy inflows early in the month followed by severe outflows in the last couple of weeks. In the end Ark finished April with 120 million in total inflows so net positive there was still money coming in, but it's a lot less than genuine February. Now last month, though it feels like investors they threw in the towel. According to date data from Bloomberg May was Ark invest first month of outflows since October of 2019. for the whole month the entire family of funds for 1.9 billion in outflows. So for June's look a little less ugly. As of last night Ark invest has just over $100 million worth of outflows with all that weakness coming during the first week. Since then, though there's been some improvement, but not enough to offset the earlier damage. Remember, as one is always quick to point out always, always always, she does not run a mutual fund. She herself is not suffering from redemptions, I repeat, she is not suffering from redemptions. However, these inflows and outflows still matter to her performance because they force third party market makers to buy or sell the stocks she owns as they create or redeem shares of the fund. Still, it seems pretty clear that the ark invest phenomenon is no longer in play. We're not seeing major outflows here, but the era of Kathy would progress buying the stocks up with their own buying bazooka, I think it appears to be over. Of course now that wall street's fixated on the idea that the Fed might tap the brakes to cool down the economy. Once beloved hyper growth stocks could potentially come back into style, but don't expect them to zoom like they did late last year in

early this year. Here's the bottom line. When you look at the funds flows, Ark invest no longer popping up the turbocharged growth stocks, which makes the recent rebound feel a lot more significant to me. Maybe if this group keeps climbing, Kathleen Wynne can get her bazooka back But until then, the Woodstock's will rise or fall on their own. Let's go to Kurt in Connecticut.

Hey, Jim, how you doing big fan? Thank you, Kurt. How can I help? real quick I just want to give a shout out to Kathy and Suzanne visiting from Maine

and I had a question about Alcoa. Okay, I bought a bunch Alcoa in April of 2000. sold about half of it about a month and a half ago. And I'm wondering what I should be doing.

I think loom is gonna, I think it's gonna roll over here. It's been way too far up. These stocks, these actual commodity stocks are coming in. So let's who will selling I don't want to give them a big gain up. Okay. Now Kathy Woods hyper growth stocks could rise again, amid the Fed backdrop they're supposed to, but don't expect them to see explosive gains like they did last year and earlier this year. Now there's much more money ahead. The pandemic has created shipping complexities that are ricocheted across the glow of congested ports, the soaring consumer demand, I thought with a private player, not a public company, working to manage the fun knows, then does your portfolio have what it takes to succeed in this market? I'll be the judge of the most popular segment we have. It's called Am I diversified. an orator calls rapid fire in tonight's edition of the lightning round. So stay with Kramer.

Whenever you hear about people griping about inflation, remember the underlying cause often involves fixable supply chain problems. For example, good transportation. Right now we've got a multi month backlog say at the Port of Los Angeles, which the dockworkers are desperately trying to clear before the busy season kicks off in August. That's the Christmas season Believe it or not. Meanwhile, thanks to a new COVID outbreak in China's Guangdong Province, they've got a pile of shipping containers so large, you can see it from space. So how do you solve the ocean freight problem increasingly, businesses are turned down for sleep flex port, which is a privately held software company that uses data analytics to help his clients manage the complexity of global logistics. flexport came in at number 41 on CNBC, disruptor 50, list for 2021, which is a great way to find companies. And while it's still small, it can become a significant player in global trade. So let's take a closer look with Ryan Peterson. He's the founder and CEO of flexport, who are more about his platform and the global shipping crisis. Mr. Pearson, welcome to Mad Money. Jim, thanks for having me on. We're right back at you. All right, to tell you something, Ryan, everyone says this is intractable. There's nothing we can do. And then I look at what flexport does. And I say, wait a second, it's intractable, I wouldn't hire flexport.

I mean, what's going on here? You know what, there are some solutions here. And there's technology that exists today that you could deploy to help this, I think, a couple of simple examples. For one, you have a problem. If you're brand new, trying to ship something, it's very hard to get space on a boat, they're all full, and the price is really high. However, when we looked across, we use machine learning and looked across all the containers, we ship about 400,000 containers that we're shipping right now. They're only 70% full. So we could put more stuff in the containers, very simple solution. We're working with our clients to say, hey, let's stop the thing cool, because I can't put more containers on the ship. But I can put more stuff in the container. That's number one. Two, is actually having technology to tell your customer when this stuff is going to arrive. Because if you can at least tell them, hey, it's delayed, maybe they're still willing to buy rather, it's a lot better than out of stock. Right? Right. Very simple solutions that are right, available right now and don't cost a lot.

Well, is there a possibility? I tell you what it's like if I were at the Los Angeles port, would I be thinking Wait a second, I better go through the Panama Canal and go to Baltimore.

Well, you know what, you're gonna have the exact same problem over there. So it doesn't solve the problem. And it really is that bad you're having I think the best way for us to understand this as ordinary people is the traffic jam. We've all been stuck in one fact my mom once told me, you're not in a traffic jam, you are the traffic jam. And what happens with a traffic jam is the until the flow it's not enough to return the flow to normal, you actually have to go way below normal. And with the consumer demand all the purchases shift from services over to Goods now this huge surge, right? So it created a traffic jam. And now we've had a real decline in capacity of the world's logistics networks. And until we somehow get the flow to go below normal, it's really gonna be very hard to resolve. And so that's a big part of where we think technology can play a role here is like, how do we stuff more stuff in these containers? How do we help to manage the process and of course, the price mechanism, where containers right now, it's costing about four or five times more to ship a container, which is going to lead to real inflation, we estimate it's like three to 5% impact on the price of final price of goods that are shipped by ocean, which is almost everything.

Yeah, we got to get that down, because it's a lot of commodity prices come down. But this is, so Ryan, let's say, I ordered a big order of sanos, which my wife just did for a house. And I say to them, Look, I need it, we got a big October party, I want to install, can you send it by commercial chat, put it in the hole of a commercial jet?

Can you help me with that one, too, you might be able to afford that, Jim, but ordinary people cannot. An ordinary person here is what wealth is, if you if 50% of all the world's air freight flies in the belly of passenger planes. And guess what? They're all grounded because of the pandemic, right? So maybe there's hope when they're not? Oh, yeah, you know, I think actually, that is, that is the real problem. The solution here is waited out, right? No one likes to hear that. But as consumer demand shifts back towards party and I went to a party the other night, that was pretty fun. I remembered what it was like, and I think you're gonna see dollar shift back and the decline of goods, but it may take a while, especially with Christmas season coming up. Around we've been hearing about a

shortage of toys again, because of this. Let's say you were czar, the czar of toys. What would you do to get those toys from China into here?

Yeah, well, so a couple of options. I mean, the first option that I've mentioned is like, hey, let's make sure we're maximizing all the space we can right to a we live in a free market economy, thankfully, and you could pay more, which not everybody wants to hear, right. But you can pay more, and there isn't, there is an opportunity to pay extra to get prioritized. And that's that's kind of what you have to do right now, if you want to get loaded. And beyond that, you know, I mean, there's not a huge amount you can do. If it's coming into Europe, we're seeing a lot of people use the Trans Siberian railroad. But now that things getting congested, it's it's a messy world. There's no kidding me. I mean, are we? That's where we are. That's where we are, you know, it's pretty fascinating times. And it's it's not it's not pretty. And one analogy that I'm using with my team is is sort of wedding planning, is if you're planning a wedding for someone, they tell you, they really want to do it outdoors. That's cool. And they won't get mad at you, if you you if it rains as long as you tell them. Here's the probability of rain. Right? And here's some options that you could, you know, maybe mitigate that maybe pay extra for indoor space as a backup. Well, it's we're planning weddings in Seattle in the middle of the winter right now. That's the way I'm looking at it.

Well, let's do this. It never there was lots of times when it wasn't like this. When can we expect things to get back to normal or as normal? Just out of the question.

I, you know, it's almost funny to hear the word normal and global logistics because we've had trade wars for the last three years, right? We had a massive port strike not that long ago, on the west coast, we've had really actually the opposite problem we have today, five years ago, where the price of freight had never been cheaper. We're talking, it's now like 20 times higher than it was six years ago. So it is like there, I don't believe there's a concept of equilibrium as asset based business that has boom and bust cycles. What you'll see is as consumers shift to like normal, like going out to restaurants and traveling and stuff, the dollars have to shift off of buying stuff. And as that happens, I think you'll get something closer to normal, but who knows, it might swing the other way. When people find out that their companies order too much inventory and are sitting in on unsold goods. And you know that the economy is never a static thing.

Ryan I just assault one thing I told people, there's like 15,000 containers on these boats. No one believes me. Am I even in the ballpark of the Jelly Bean count. He said they

hold about 20,000. us but remember, a TPU is a 20 foot container equivalent unit. So think about it about half of that as a 40 foot container, which is really the real container size. So you're not off. You're not too far off. Well, it's

just it is remarkable business. And I hope you continue to help your clients get the stuff because when I look at the names, and I am somewhat ordinary, but I gotta admit, I use a lot of that stuff and I want it here as fast as possible. We're working hard. We're working hard. We want to get to that zone spring in the house. We need it for the October party. That's Ryan p He's founder and CEO of flexport. Still private Western public Great to meet you man monies back into the break

coming up next let's make money together. What do we got Kramer's bringing the thunder and answering your burning questions in today's edition of the lightning round it is and then the lightning round is over Are you ready to come in at a time and you York Tom? Hello crema and Jimmy chill says thank you What's going on?

Jimmy chill with that one great stock fee with 151% growth year to year with square like potential. What is your take on so far?

I am a buyer of Anthony noto does a great job. But candidly, he's also been my friend since 1995. So you can say wait a second. Kramer, Knights nodo too much. I like no, let's go to Dexter and California Dexter. Jimbo, how are you? Oh, man, I'm having a good day. How about you?

Me too, man. I'm enjoying the sun to sand surf. It's nice to see America open again. I love it.

I'm driving join the New Jersey Turnpike the met the swamp in the Meadowlands in the garbage truck that interrupted me during my nap today. What's going on?

It's all good. Happy It's Friday. Be happy to get out like and so more importantly, I'm happy to ask you to analyze a company that you've had on the show before right you liked I believe right? We've got a good product could service the stock so wealth I wonder if this is a good entry point for good RX.

I like good rocks, like the coupon business. But I gotta tell you, I just have this bad feeling. They're up against Amazon in some way, shape, or form. Or at least that's what the market thinks that's more important because they really want but people always fear Amazon. I'm gonna see you have to stay away for now. I'm sorry, Doug. I really tell you what I get. But it's got an Amazon issue. I need to go to Joseph in Florida, Joseph. So my man How you doing? I'm doing well. How are you? Good. Good. Hey,

happy birthday to my dad. Happy Father's Day. Quick question. Ashford. Hospitality trust is the star that stuck

with that's a meme stock that went up and once it went up, they're able to refinance the preferred. It's not my game, not my style. I say sell sell, sell. Walk in Florida, Mark.

Hi, Jim. I hope you're well. I'm doing okay. How about you more? I'm fine. Jim is a hard market to figure I'm watching good companies like Deere and William Sonoma plummet. And my question is about William Sonoma, which is

that stocks going down you are completely right. I don't think it should be gone. Now. The problem is it's up 48%. And everybody's trying to nail down profits but more hours doing a great job. I'm a buyer, not a seller of William Sonoma. And I'm not done because right now I'm going to Sarah and Ohio Sarah.

Hey, Jim. Love the show. Caller Thank you. Yeah, so I need your thoughts on stocks here. They make TVs and they're in the ad marketplace. Vizio what people have given up on this company.

I think that it's wrong to give up on it. I still expected to come down a little bit more as people are in panic mode is yell. I say let it go to 18 maybe 17. And then I would Joe in North Carolina Joe We'll be right back. Ai What are your thoughts? Now this one Tom's he moved the light very much for 20 years people don't even understand what the company does and the people who don't understand what the company does on the board failing so let's wait till they're done belly and we can buy a lower end that pleasure.

lightning round is sponsored by TD Ameritrade coming on, master the unknown. Be ready for any market. another edition of Am I diversify is coming up next.

Jim Cramer. You're one of my heroes. I look forward to show every weeknight thank you so much for helping beginning

investors like me when you talk about the market. I just believe that you're spot on. Oh, I love it. Thank you so much every night we want to I have learned and earned

on a downward for the market. It's always good to take a step back and evaluate your holdings. Remember, should never put all your eggs in one basket when you're investing I always say that diversification is the best way to play an unpredictable environment like the one we have. We heard you quit America. So that's why tonight we're bringing you a very special Friday edition of empire diversified. This way you call me Tell me top five holdings. Okay, if your portfolio is diversified enough, maybe need to mix it up a little. First up. We're going to start with a tweet from at Jay AR hammer 327. Five of my long term holdings are Corvo, Costco, Deere, Chevron, and Amgen. Do I have horse sense and hashtag m? diversified? Thanks Jim. okeydoke Chevron my favorite large cap oil with a good dividend Amgen. And okay, drug company it's in the Dow deer that one of the greatest manufacturers in earth farm equipment. Costco may be the greatest retailer and Corvo a semiconductor company semies oil retail job medicine and machinery. Oh my I mean that is just if there's a way to start having EMI diversified it's with it is with Jr. hammers portfolio. I mean, unbelievable. Let's go to Tyler in Tennessee.

Tyler. Hey Jimmy to monarchy attainment, got some of these stocks in my portfolio? Okay. I got i b. m. s are Fisker that's x Freeport, apple, and Alibaba. All right,

I said we got to work right now. Okay, Freeport stocks down 10 points. This week's largest American copper company IBM is putting into coffee starting next very well. I like what Arvind Krishna is doing Fisker? Yes, a giant speck auto, apple, you know it's going to be owned don't trade and Alibaba one of the few Chinese stocks I'm recommending say you got a Chinese. Let's call it retail for any Chinese Amazon. We've got the greatest American manufacturer apple. People don't think of this app, but I do a copper company, a technology company and an auto company. I like it. It's different enough. These two do not conflict. They don't play anymore in the same areas. Unless you have an IBM cell phone. I don't. Let's go to Betsy in California, Betsy.

Hey, Jimmy, this is your number one California fan, holy cow, the others who are vying but I think you are the one. So I'll tell you a ma T is my first stock. Oh, and and it's because primarily it observes the Kramer rule of 40 with a growth of 24.88% and a profit margin of 22.35%. Although it had a rough day today, it's still up. But that was and it was primarily because Gary sold 4.8% of his own stock. Gary did Dickerson Yeah,

Gary Dixon sold that why don't we have to see what it's led off just to Gary so go ahead. Yeah,

that's that's, well, it is but but I think it'll be fine. Okay, h r H is you know, we bought one. That's before that's before the Europe expansion. That's before the Alpine stuff. Okay. And you know what, Jim? When they opened that Texas restaurant and they opened up the Texas locations, they're booked solid through the end of August. That was the god oh my god. Yes. The next one is boot barn, which is at seven 4.4% year to date. The recommendation yesterday. Absolutely. denim denim denim denim denim and work boots. Right. And the next one is Blackstone cannot say enough good things about Stevie Schwarz Subaru true local local Philadelphia Absolutely. Yeah, well yes, I knew you pointed out and the last one is generac. Jim we have four seasons in California. We have summer we have fall we have spring and we have fire.

I like that I mean it's like Earth Wind and Fire Alright, alright, let me go work on this. Obviously first of all she that she knows more about socks and almost anybody including me but we've got generac which was up 10 points today which we love you know that's heating air gate it's a it's a generator for when your stuff goes down Applied Materials with semiconductor capital equipment we heard about that unfortunate insider selling boot barn another good recommendation yesterday it stock is still under covered Blackstone great private equity and Rh Gary just keeps hitting in our report the new catalog was great. So we got a lot I'm sorry guy got a call. This is still gonna call up furniture. I don't mean to I don't want to limit you to that. Because I can go on galleries. We've got a generator company. We've got a semiconductor capital equipment. We have retail and we've profit actually no overlap there. We're thrilled. I like it clay in Florida. Clay. Booyah Jim clay. I'd like to have your advice on five stocks. Okay, you ready? Yeah. Alibaba All right. See s x. Roblox max our technology. Okay, and Merc Jen not diverse all right you're certainly playing the game right knows the rules knows the rules okay drug companies actually acting really well at the beginning of the day CSF very good railroad Alibaba we've got to be Chinese Amazon Roblox had a little disappointment I have to bet in the month of May. But it's software and then Max Roach from core communications communications railroad drug to Chinese Amazon and a child's game platform. Yes, everyone one today. I like to say there's always the bull market summer and I promised I'd put it just for you right here on Mad Money On Jim Cramer see him Monday. The news was Shepard Smith starts now.



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