MAD MONEY 文字起こし12JUL21 What's On Gensler's Plate, Shining A Light On Solar Stocks & MongoDB CEO

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Cramer, welcome to Mad Money. Welcome to credit America. I'll be with my friends. I'm just trying to make money. My job is not just to entertain but to educate you. So call me at one 807 43 CNBC or tweet me at Jim Cramer. When you wake up at 4am you'll learn a ton about the market. I encourage you to try it if you want to see how stocks are setting up. But unless you're allergic to sleeping like I am, you probably don't want to make a routine. Today was a classic example because it showed how something it's thinly traded, but covered in a patina of authority and authenticity can often determine the media coverage of the morning, when looking at the Dow futures told you that this would be a bad day, a down day may be a terrible day. Because the Dow futures are down 100 points. Of course, we'll be finished up nicely down gaining 126 points. Advancing point three 5% NASDAQ edging up point to 1%. I mean, it was a bone Nyanza. So how come everybody was downbeat this morning? I heard many reasons. Well, it felt a strain of COVID obviously, fear of earnings season, a bunch of key downgrades, no lift from Virgin Galactic even after successful flight by Sir Richard Branson. The repeated references to a rapid rise in COVID cases seemed like the most likely culprit. But all of those seemingly legitimate reasons for weak market obscured the truth, which is that the futures are absolutely worthless as whether you should just banish them from wall thought. Unless you're looking for a buying opportunity when they foolishly knock things down. The reality is that companies are in charge their own destiny, so the downward tug of the futures can give you some terrific prices. Remember, while socks just are pieces of paper, they're backed by real businesses that are often run by real smart people. So tonight, I want to show you how juicy these bargains can be as long as you have an opportunistic attitude. And you know, like me how to read the tape. It starts with having a worldview. You can't come at the market with a view from nowhere. I mean, you need your own convictions. Right now. My worldview is positive. We've had an ugly bout of inflation, but I agree with fed chief Jay Powell. And believe me it is transitory a number of commodities have already come down from the highest I know we have a CPI number of comes in Hot Tamale. You'll say Kramer's crazy, but I've got to take it take lumber, it's went down another 5%. Now it's erased 2020 ones remarkable gains. Meanwhile, I think earnings should be very good for the most part employment strong. And the scattered quarterly reports we've gotten in the last couple weeks have all been pretty positive. You may not share my worldview. But if you're also inclined to be optimistic, let me tell you how to use the futures to go bargain hunt. These are real life examples that you can do if you pay close attention. Alright, so let's start with an anecdote. This weekend, my wife and I slapped down 30 bucks well 30 invisible bucks to watch an unbelievably fabulous movie Black Widow with Scarlett Johansen. Okay, candidly, I was dubious going in. I like barbell technologies more than Marvel Comics. But Lisa, Lisa, she talked me into it now so it was easy. She said we can sit down on the couch and have gigantic coke zeros Hershey's Kisses and ramen delivered right before the movie yet. We watched it on a big screen TV for the couch in our living room. We stopped ourselves with Hershey's Kisses. We poured down the cokes they weren't five bucks apiece, and we love that. If it weren't for a centipede somehow appeared on the wall behind us. Lisa got rid of it because I was way too scared. It would have been a perfectly okay after that experience and figures he was screaming by right even before I heard that Black Widow made a total of 80 million, including 16 million just from Disney. Plus, it proves they can make big money at the box office where this story is one of reopening which is what I wanted so much and streaming same time. So when Disney dipped slightly to 177 this morning, because of the moronic futures. Fat was your chance. If you pass knew the opening, you finish the day up 4%. Now it doesn't hurt that they just raised the price of ESPN from 599 to six No, no, I bet you nobody noticed. I know I won't. I think it's an incredible value but there it is. Right there because of the futures what a trade that is. Okay, now next up, American Express almost got a preview that earlier, ever since we sat down with Steve squarey the CEO at my bar in Brooklyn

I mean convinced that this stock has been a must don't look at this. Look how this works. You don't leave your portfolio with that. This morning mercs best quote not one but two price target boos after big upgrade last week from Goldman Sachs. I was chosen yet thanks to the futures the stock opened down two bucks. You had to buy it with both hands. Look at the money you could have made here. This is because of the stupid futures and then it snaps right back. Bingo. What a fantastic entry point or trade. And that's how you make money almost immediately with the Amex finishing up the day nearly two bucks, but you got to get here discount. Alright, then they're the backs of these two are really choosy. You have two of them in the deck. Yeah, JPMorgan got Goldman Sachs. Now these are day trades because they're about to report earnings and I'm not confident enough in the numbers to justify holding them. But man Goldman was down for early. Okay. Look at this. Look at this. rally to up 12 ring the register, right? That's what I just bring the register JPMorgan look at this gets bang again, all of this because of these thinly traded futures. JPMorgan get gets banged down two bucks at the open. If you bought it there, you were up five, almost instantly, catching, catching. The pattern has been with us for months now. And each time it fools people. That's why I'm going through this so early. I am urging you not to be misled by the downward pull of the futures Close your eyes, Ulysses, put yourself on the mask. Just wrap yourself if you have the courage of your convictions, these dips are a gift. Why does this method work? Because I don't take my cue from the action. Like I said, you need your own worldview when it doesn't change based on the market's day to day gyrations. I know that's hard to do. But that's what you must do. I always tell action alerts plus comm club members that it's vital to have what I call a six month worldview. Six months is about as far as we can see. It's kind of like the 12 miles you can see from the beach for the ryzen assume your world is positive like mine, then you can treat these pullbacks like a buying opportunity. Clean in simple. So let's go back to my worldview because it's the most essential piece of the puzzle. What makes people right is that even though we're getting a lot of anti business rhetoric from the White House, it's mostly blunted by gridlock in Congress. When Biden bash the railroads last week accusing them of price gouging, you had to hold your nose and bind Norfolk Southern, which now as a quick eight points, Biden wants to crack down on the perceived excesses of big business, but he doesn't have the votes in the Senate to do it. So I expect this pattern repeat itself over and over and you must be ready for it. Norfolk Southern keep thinking Norfolk Southern. Second, I think, Jay pal, I think he's dead right about the temporary nature of inflation, many commodities already peaked two months ago. That means the Fed can continue to be your buddy. Third, there's a lot of money coming into this market. But I don't think there's the sign of a top despite what I keep hearing, it's more of a sign the bonds are making next to nothing the yields of collapse, thanks to the slight slowdown in the economy. More importantly, tons of buying from overseas. That means stocks, once again are the only game not in town. How about the world? Finally, I'm expecting pretty good earnings season, maybe not the best because most companies will have their profits thing by inflation. And unfortunately, the banks start and they've got issues about their trading divisions. Not that good. But I believe we're gonna get a number bumps and upgrades that will keep the rally going. You'll come in here and you'll hear raising price target to hold the buy. That's what it's going to be bottom line. If you share my bullish worldview, then you can wake up early. Take a look. Wait for the futures to knock down your favorite stuff. Get up at 4am Please, I'll be there tomorrow. I wake you at 330 remember, never buy all at once. But think of this morning and be opportunistic. Okay. Both in trading and investing. And how about that Disney going to an opening model? Hey, why don't we start with Paul in California please, Paul?

Bo Yeon Kim long. Long time from bone dry California with with kids finally going back to school is target a good back to school stock or should I watch for other

Alright, so Paul calls about target. I am so glad she called How many times have you heard I can't find it because it keeps going up and can't bite you. I missed it. I missed it. You haven't missed it. Brian Cornell was a merchandising genius. Just get in and then wait for a little downturn and buy more. Oh my god. I'm talking to myself. Jim in Pennsylvania Jim boulia. Dr. Chill. I tried to chill this weekend. Thank you. I put a lot of pictures of the Going up, how to take one arm down. What's up?

A few months back you had this company CEO on and you were very excited about them. They are up about 8% since then, but they feel like they're very pandemic driven driven corporation with more and more indoor activities opening up at full capacity and concerts of a life beginning again. Should I buy more hold or sell Brunswick Corporation wants

you to hold Brunswick? I know some people think it's got a bad head and shoulders pattern. Me personally I like it. But you know what? It's sold out for a long time. And I think people like they get like four people can't see well, why aren't you raising prices if you're sold out? Well, the answer is is that people agreed to buy early like I did. With my unbelievable fantastic Boston we are the only my wife to drive because I'm too scared. Next week will determine a lot for this earnings season. On Mad Money tonight, sec Chairman Gary Gensler. Oh man who's got plenty of his plate. How many times have you heard that? So I'm going to take you through the courses, kind of like one of those, one of those great Italian restaurants, then put the solar stop shine in this market. I'm thinking of course look at the group effort bought up earlier this year. And it's a company that's partnering and competing with the likes of Amazon and alamut. You may never heard of it. I'm going to tell you if it's time to invest in the second most expensive stock in this market. Bongo dB, so stay with Kramer.

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Now that Gary Gensler, the new chairman of the securities exchange commission, has had a few months to get acclimated. What should he do? They had noticed that we spent a lot of time highlighting issues that the SEC desperately needs to address. So tonight, I want to put them all together into a single agenda. Now I've got a lot of faith in Gensler. He used to run the Commodity Futures Trading Commission i think is one of the Biden's best appointments. But that's why I want to make his job easier. With some friendly advice on how to create a better environment for American investors. People keep telling me he can't do anything Why? Because he has a full plate. Funny I've been hearing that dorm full plate story from the moment he got the job. My goal tonight is to fill the plate with the right stuff. So again, you can pick and choose from it until he's eaten everything. No more full plate jibberish actual eating. So here's my seven point white plate special not blue. But why pay special for the new sec chairman. First and foremost, ganzo needs to strike while the iron is hot after the DD global debacle and crackdown on Chinese IPOs. This is something that I've been warning you about for years. Most Chinese companies that come public here are low quality, and their stocks tend to route up the underperformance appears to the rest of the market. Now this is already on the SEC to do list, because late last year, Congress passed the holding foreign companies accountable act in the wake of still one more force on IPO This one was from China, the lucking coffee. The point of this law is to force foreign companies that list of stocks here to obey the same financial standards as American companies. And the SEC is making some progress formulating these new regulations. But under the proposed rules impact the company's worth three years, three years to comply with the new requirements that feels wrong to me. In the wake of the GDP over the Chinese Uber came public here that had its app pulled from every app store in China A few days later. I think there needs to be a greater sense of urgency. I would shorten the grace period for three years to one year or even six months. Hey, Chinese communist President Xi would do it in six hours. On top of that the SEC should ban any new IPOs for companies that fail to comply with the new rules. The good news here is that the China crackdown on big text companies has shelved many of these deals link top technology just pulled its IPO that's supposed to happen last week, and the parent company of Tick Tock indefinitely postponed its own offshore IPO. Still, this should not be a controversial position. If foreign companies want access to American exchanges, they should have to obey American accounting rules. Now that everyone in Washington finally seems on board the SEC should make it happen to happen quickly before more investors get hurt otherwise every Chinese I Your perspective should come with something like a cigarette warning. The plate is getting full. I have never do crypto cars. For years it's been unclear which regulatory agencies have primary jurisdiction over crypto is the SEC, which oversees stocks and bonds, or the CFTC, which oversees commodities and all sorts of nerves. I don't. I'm trying to encourage the SEC to take some ownership here, especially since Chairman Gensler some prior experience as a member of the MIT digital currency initiative. We know there are some clear cut areas where the SEC has jurisdiction, like publicly traded crypto placed in Coinbase or soon to be public ones like circle are bullish, both of which are merging the spax here. Same goes for Bitcoin focus ETFs, like the one arc invest proposed late this month, I think Gensler should use these clear cutting samples as the basis for regulatory power grab. I know government oversight is the last thing the crypto maniacs want, but without some oversight the whole space to turn disaster. At the very least I want the SEC to define which cryptocurrencies are securities and not subject to the same regulations as stocks or bonds. Even if cancer doesn't think he has jurisdiction, he can kick some of the stuff over to the Financial Stability Oversight Council, which exists to watch out for threats to the financial system could be a good forum to take a look at these stable coins like tether which we talked about last week. They keep revisiting until they open the commodity choice commercial paper they claim as their reserves. Third, the SEC needs to go after the blatant pump and dump schemes, because we're seeing these things everywhere. I'm not talking about what relative at gamestop random seat a different dumped, I mean the blatant attempts to manipulate upstarts with a one or two day Blitz before the pushers catch up in early June Wendy SHUT UP 25% of the day for them. Reuters moved in next target let buyers hold back. Last week. They did the same thing with e commerce play called Newegg, which is crashing now. The same things happen as boiler names. today. It was a little calm Kong based out company

sto Co. Gogo that only had one press release last 18 months. What was it? A deficiency notice from the NASDAQ for failing the father and report that seems up nearly tenfold winners to traders. Yes, he can easily triangulate who did the early buying sto and who fermented the early social media activity pump this one up? I think they should, because the people come in late with these, these these they're all getting obliterated. It feels like there's a new one of these every day, they'll keep coming together starts gunning for them, which is to do proper gear. There were two or three just today of these multimillion share pumps and dumps everyone happens and there are losers Come on commission. Speaking of malfeasance, sec needs to go after big institutions too, which brings me to item for only a few months ago and I have a quote Okay, goes imploded if you're using derivatives to build up massive, highly leveraged positions in stocks, like Viacom and discovery. And it looks like our chaos manipulators. brokers getting in and lend more money by misleading about us positions. It could happen again. The Prime brokerages are so desperate for business as is you really got to do something to head this one off. Number five, the specs themselves. Alright. Now we've seen so many Garmin specs in the last year and for me, the biggest issue is that companies use these murders as a way to come public without being subject to all the scrutiny you get from an IPO. The worst part is that these spec targets are allowed to issue forward projections. Can you be absurdly optimistic 2026 to meet great year. Wow. In late March, the SEC already took action here with some cautionary comments that we warning these companies that the moment their deals are completed. They'll be treated just like normal IPO names to way too late. They're responsible for all the projections in the registration documents. Oh, that's a good start. But I love it if the SEC came in after some of the worst offenders executives who straight apply that would teach them a lesson. Issue number six. Yeah. with Robin Hood likely come in public this month. It Do you think it's a good time for the SEC to look at the retail brokerages, check out what they're doing. To make sure that maybe the investment products getting to home gamers are actually suitable for these individuals. I think some room for the SEC to better regulate options trading at the very least it should come with more education before they light your money on fire. Finally, number seven. Today I saw a story about how Congress wants the SEC to look into pre approved trading plans for corporate executives. Me I think pre approved trading plans that are right. But you know what this is you should be looking into insider trading by members of Congress itself. Right now insider trading is more or less legal if your legislator That's insane. I'm not sure what the SEC can do here. But they should look into it. Well, I work with Senator al gore in the 80s to design his portfolio. We kept burning the committee work that would give him an unfair edge. In the end we decided he should only own US Treasuries. That's the right rule, period hard stop, but there's no moment From my position here's the bottom line. Right now the SEC has a lot on its plate no doubt about it. No doubt about it. So I hope they get the priority straight. For me that means cracking down on Chinese IPOs forget how to regulate cryptocurrency going into blatant digital bump and dump and laying down the law for members of Congress. All cash no blind trust. Hey, come on guys. You're making laws not money. Stick with

with solar stocks we'll leave you walking on sunshine. Pop on your shades It's Always Sunny in America get an edge invest like a pro access CNBC live streams around the globe unparalleled access to CNBC experts actionable investor insight and ideas start your free trial slash pro

speaks money together after Biden won the election last November. All sorts of politically sensitive stocks qualifier the ones that benefit from a democratic administration you know electric vehicles cannabis, right, and of course, the solar energy complex. It got another huge boost in early January when the democrats captured the Senate. It the winning both runoff races in Georgia. That move was extreme and obviously unsustainable, which is why didn't recommend the solar stocks last winter. Sure enough, once February rolled around the whole turnip energy space rolled over. For example, the Invesco solar ETF tumbled an astounding 46%. From its January highs was mid May low. But since bottoming a couple months ago, along with the rest of the hyper growth cohort, the solar stocks have gotten their groove back, they bounce hard off their lows, although there's still a peak from the peak. And you know what? I think that this group has a lot more room to run, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy buy at the most basic level, solar power is an incredible secular growth story. Demand for solar energy equipment has been rising significantly for years, and there's no reason we would stop now. Not when the technology keeps getting better and better and cheaper, cheaper, what's driving us. First, you've got the rise of environmental, social and corporate governance investing. That's ESG for short, big asset managers like fortress, like BlackRock have overhauled their investment strategy to focus on environmental sustainability. Huge companies increasingly want to go carbon negative. Even Exxon Mobil got religion on climate change after an insurgent group of investors came out of nowhere and sees three board seats at the last enemy that I think spent about $12 million here on the board. But this story is about more than the environment. Right now. Our electric grid is falling apart. Anytime we get extreme weather, a winter storm in Texas, I eat wave in the Pacific Northwest, it causes prolonged outages. If you can't rely on the grid, individuals and enterprises both have a majors have to have a backup energy sources, like solar panels. Meanwhile, the housing markets booming and that matters because solar has got a meaningful positive correlation with housing. Some of these new homeowners are eager to stick solar panels on the roof doesn't hurt that the average cost for residential photovoltaic system is down roughly 50% over the last decade. It still costs $20,000 but it's very easy to get financing. You've even got services like Tesla's Solar City business that will install solar panels for free, then give you the equivalent of a 20 year lease. Perhaps most important the federal government has gotten a lot more supportive of renewables, including solar. It was a mistake to chase the stocks to the moon and wake up the auction. But the buyers did have a smart thesis. I want to think about the solar investment tax credit. for 15 years now Uncle Sam has made solar investments partially tax deductible. Right now you can deduct 26% of what you spend on these products. The only problem is towards phasing out in a couple of years. But President Biden wants to extend it when he released his infrastructure plan in March a quote for 10 year extension of the solar tax credit. Of course, that plan stalled, the White House has had to negotiate a smaller bipartisan bill. But the President seems very committed to solar and as far as bipartisan policymaking, those tax credits Come on. They are an easy sell.

Put it all together and analysts and investment from Stevens are forecasting 24% annual solar installation growth this year through 2023. The one part of the story, it's up there in 2018. Then President Trump slapped a bunch of tariffs on imported solar equipment. We were favoring that on the show. And earlier this year, the Biden ministration actually defended parts that policy. These tariffs have divided the US solar industry companies that do their own domestic manufacturing love them. Companies that outsource their manufacturing overseas hate them. We don't know what will happen here. But for now the tariffs are in effect. Okay. That's the background. How do we play it? I'm going to give you write them down three, my favorite solar stocks, three of them that I really, really like you're in the first one. kind of obvious from what I've been saying. But she's it's been good for a long time. And well, it's for solar. Here's a company that benefits from the tariffs because it makes its own photovoltaic panels so it doesn't have to pump. First Solar has proprietary thin film technology that makes this panels more efficient in certain climates, which is why it's become the vendor of choice for many commercial scale solar projects. We know business is good because they're pretty much sold out for 2021. And more than 70% of the way to be sold out for 2022. For sellers buildings third domestic manufacturing facility in Ohio right now, which makes them a winner from the tariffs. Also, don't forget, this is not some tiny startup. They've been around for a long time. I know when they came one talked about thin film, they've got an excellent balance sheet and a company so profit the stock sells for just over 21 times earnings. Right now for solar trades in the mid 90s. stout 18 bucks was peak. And while I'd like it more on weakness, you have got my blessing to put a small person position on right here. Second, when you use the solar panel produces direct current electricity DC. If you want to use that power, you first need to turn it into alternating current electricity using a piece of equipment that's called an inverter. There are many different ways to do this, you could have 1000 solar panels feeding a single inverter, but increasingly industries embrace something called smaller scale micro inverters micro inverter that you stick in every single solar panel. That way each panel is its own self contained electrical system. And when it comes to micro inverters, one company controls nearly the entire market. You see it go up all the time. And I want you to know about it. It's called n phase energy and phase. They spent ages working on this technology and ever since it rolled out a few years ago, the stocks been 520 $6 at the end of 2019 186 today, and that's after pulling back more than 40 points from its highs earlier this year. Why like the face great Well, it's great long term growth story and face file is one I've talked about incessantly generic holdings, you might remember these guys is maker fossil fuel powered backup power generators. I got one. But a couple years ago, the company made a series of acquisitions to pivot into energy storage. And storage is the key to making solar viable because it addresses the biggest vulnerability the fact that solar panels only work when it's sunny out. January has been one of my favorite ways to play an increasingly unreliable electric grid. And while the stock looks expensive, appear management's got a terrific track record. Let me put it this way. The stocks nearly quadrupled since we spoke to CEO Aaron jag Feld is 16 months ago. It's up roughly 52%. since our last interview in mid May, as much as I hate to chase, you've got my blessing again, to put on a small position because I like this company so much in it's right at hurricane season. This market rewards good stocks, even if they've moved up a great deal. I could go on and on about inverters solar edge technologies has a power optimization business that's somewhat similar to end phase, although they're more focused on big commercial solar projects, the residential ones. You've also heard that sort of sub sectors we don't have time to talk touch on, like the solar panel distributors think sunrun or sunnova. There's Tesla's solar bins that I mentioned before, the one Elan Musk is defending in court today. I think it's good one. But if you need to own Tesla, you should do it for the electric vehicle business. And by the way, you should do it. I like Tesla stock very much here. The bottom line. We needed to wait for the big post election shakeout before recommending the solar stocks. But now that the weekends are gone, the group's rebounding hard off its lows. I think your portfolio needs some solar exposure, ideally with First Solar and face or generac. Carol in Alabama, Carol.

Hi, Jim. Thank you for taking my call course guys. Thank you, Dan, how to position and Diamondback energy, held it through the pandemic lows. I can now take some profits. My question is, it's on the uptick. Should I buy more? Hold it or sell it?

I want you to hold Fang, which is Diamondback energy. I I am such a believer in the Permian. I did so much work on Devin last week. Devin is my preferred now and then pioneer and then Chevron. But I had to pay a diamond back is a very well run company with a very aggressive, very aggressive view. You've got my blessing to hold on to but not by more up here. Right guys, listen to me, lather up that SPF because your portfolio needs some solar exposure. What we're made money and I'm sitting down with the CEO of MongoDB. Wow. To find out how the company is taking customers from the old guard and do it quickly. Then I'll tell you why you shouldn't ignore the impact of irrational behavior. This earnings season is going to play a big role in all your calls now. bonfire and tonight's edition of the lightning rounds and stay with Kramer.

Now some of the cloud stocks have cooled off after their monster rebound. How do you know when they're worth buying? Take MongoDB. That's the cloud based software company with a database management platform that's beloved by app developers. Here's a stock that's risen within tenfold since its IPO that's less than four years ago, including remarkable 173% run in 2020, of course of this year, MongoDB peak along with the rest of the cloud cover this stock plunging from 428 in February, down to $238. And it's may lows, but since then it's come roaring back. Remember that was when the CPI came into hot, people thought the Fed was going to put the brakes on now search at $390 late last month, pulling back the 350. As of today, let's call it a volatile MongoDB did lose some of its momentum. If you're doing a big secondary offering at the end of June at this point, the stocks actually down 2% year to date. at these levels. I'm conflicted. On the one hand a company's growing at a 32% clip. On the other hand, it's not yet profitable stock trades at nearly 30 times this year's estimates. In that sense, it's very expensive, but not compared to other clouds. Let me look snowflake, which you know, we love Jason 70 times sales. So should we pay up pay up for this one? idea? Let's check in with Dave eating chair. He is the president ceo of MongoDB to get a better sense of where his company's headed. Mr. Chair, welcome back to man money. Thanks, Jim. Thanks for having me. Well, David, I remember when you're on last you had just introduced this Atlas program. And we talked about how you thought it was gonna be big. How big is Atlas and tell people what it does?

Well, Atlas has been huge for our business Atlas, essentially, is our global cloud database. We introduced it in 2016. Last month was our five year anniversary. And when we announced our q1 numbers, we also announced that it's now the majority of our business, it's nearly a $400 million business growing at 73%. year over year, is growing incredibly fast. And we're really proud of what we've done. We're even prouder what we think we can do going forward.

Now on the on your conference call. You got you need a couple of what I would call Tiffany clouds, including Tiffany, but you have Allie and att. Now I have known alty for a long time. They only take and UiPath to it's just another secret, but lt does can have anybody they want. I mean, it's a brilliantly run company. Why do you think they chose MongoDB?

Well, I think very simply, MongoDB is one of the most popular technologies used by developers everywhere. And what I mean everywhere, I mean, everywhere, in China, in India and Latin America, obviously, along with North America and Europe. So one of the reasons Alibaba and a whole bunch of other companies we have relationship with Tencent to their they've offered managed MongoDB services is because developers love MongoDB, our software has been downloaded 118 million times. To put that number in perspective, there's only 25 million developers in the world. So that gives you a sense of how popular we become. And we are becoming the standard by which people build applications

there, Deva, I was looking at your website and one of the Iran in the street calm for a long time. And I was always upset that Forbes in the last few years, was able to do so many things, I couldn't believe how quickly they were able to change their site, do everything commerce to it, that was all built on Mongo DB wasn't,

it was. So one of the advantages of MongoDB is that it offers a very flexible schema. So you can make changes very, very quickly. also built into MongoDB is the ability to have massive performance and scale. So if you are gaming application and want to have millions of users around the world, use MongoDB. If your media application, want to stream stream videos to your users use MongoDB. If you're running an e commerce site, oh, by the way, if you're running, you know, a trading floor on Wall Street, use MongoDB. Because you want that performance and scale. And you want to be be able to innovate fast. So when people think of MongoDB, they think of innovating fast, and that scale. And that's what really differentiates us over everyone else.

Now, I know you guys are kind of frenemies with Microsoft, because there is a chart in one of your excellent, excellent website, which shows how much easier it is. And quicker this than using SQL. But at the same time, I mean, this is the SQL con. At the same time you do some business with Microsoft, how do you balance that? Because it sure didn't seem like you kind of laid it out that sequel shouldn't be used. It's much slower and more. And by the way, I think much harder in terms of what code.

Exactly. So when we went when we were going public, we had just launched Atlas the year before, and there were a lot of investors who were skeptical about could we really partner and compete with the hyperscale vendors. Well, we've done that, as I said, Atlas is now the majority of our business. And it's growing over 70% year over year. And we partner with Azure, we partner with Amazon and with Google, and our business is growing really fast, and all three clouds. And what people don't realize is that MongoDB is a far superior alternative to relational. So developers don't think in rows and columns. relational databases are essentially Excel spreadsheets on steroids. They want to build on a platform, that's, that's natural, to the way they think and natural to the way they code, which is why MongoDB is so popular, allows them to innovate fast ship products out the door quickly, and enables executives to seize new opportunities, or respond to new threats very, very quickly. That's what differentiates MongoDB.

Now, there are lots of people out there these days who say, listen, Jim, if they're not making any money, I don't want to beat them. And I come back and say, Listen, if you're growing at 60%, and then the next year growing and 70%, I will pay up for at for when I get accelerated revenue growth, you're giving us that? What do you say to people saying, Listen, why aren't they making a lot of money?

So Jim, we're seeing a once in a lifetime platform shift happening in our generation with the move to the cloud is giving a massive opening to a company like MongoDB. And we have literally 1% share of the market. So it'd be silly for us to optimize your profitability when we see so much opportunity. All our r&d investments are offensive in nature, we're building new products and new capabilities. So people can run more use cases in our platform, we're investing more in our go to market so we can expand our reach, we still have many parts of the world where we're vastly under under covering so that we want to put more more feet on the street, and also be able to reach customers digitally. So given all that it makes sense for us to invest in investment growth, and that's an fact investors have been happy about that.

Wow. Well, look, I've been completely impressed. I am struck by how prevalent you are and how I wish that I had been using your technology at a point when it was still relevant to me before a company was sold. I want to thank you for coming on David, each era, the CEO of MongoDB, you've really built an amazing company, sir. Thank you for coming on that money. Thank you, Jim. Thank you for having me. highest growth other than snowflake that I allow in terms of what I think you should buy, by the way for time, CNBC, disruptor 50 company, and our weekly newsletter offers a closer look at disruptor 50. Companies like MongoDB before they go public, but what you would have gotten if you bought this one, it came public. Hey, let's say you had to sign up by visiting slash disrupter newsletter. We feature so many disruptors when I get in early monies back get to the

break. Coming up next, let's make money together. What do we got Kramer's bringing the thunder and answering your burning questions in today's edition of the lightning round.

It is time. And then the lightning round is over. Are you ready to take that? Over Steven? Steven a Jimbo.

Thanks for having me on. I appreciate it. On behalf of all of us aging millennials for helping us hit the ground running with this investing thing. Oh like that. So yeah, I got one for you. So with all the cybersecurity stuff going on, obviously a lot of data breaches hacks a lot of rhetoric and between governments What are your thoughts on on fire? I

it seems to be that we weren't we weren't CrowdStrike we weren't z scalar. Or we weren't Palo Alto Networks, those who are plays. And then when, when deep instinct comes, we will recommend that too. I do like setting up but hadn't done enough work on it. I didn't go to Kenny and Marilyn Kenny.

Hi Jim is Kenny from Maryland. I'd like to know what you think of OC pawn to say Corp. Guess your long term vision on that side.

I like dying. I like diagnostics. I like anti cancer. I'm going to bless it as a speculation. J in Washington j

my jam first time caller longtime viewer wants to thank you for all you do. Man Thank you for having me. today. I'm calling about ticker and and the why.

That's a hard stuff. The MMD was a very hard stock. I mean, I get caught up like a MongoDB these guys are even harder to understand. Team management's very hard. I've got to do more work. Derek in New York. Derek.

Who we are What's up? What the show? Why don't you get your thoughts on newly listed cannabis retailer high tide?

I like growth generation Period. End of story. Jenny, Connecticut Jenny. Hi, Kim. How are you? I'm good gentlemen. Oh, dude, good to have you love your show. Oh, thank you. So Jim, can you tell me? What would you do with my Derm tech shares? Should I hold yourself? Wow, wow, wow. Oh man, my wife was in that business for so long. You know what I got to tell you anything that can have early detection skin cancer is worth speculating. I really believe that we need to stop that disease. Now. I'm going to DJ in New Jersey DJ. Baby. I'm a new investor. And I'm wondering if 3d systems, recent price droppers. That's a huge new investor, you're going to go with a yo yo, no, we're going with some much more conservative than that new investor, we're going to actually hit on UnitedHealth UNH and that leads up the conclusion of the

lightning round is sponsored by TD Ameritrade. Coming up, A Walk Down Wall Street isn't always a rational perambulation. Find out how COVID vaccine behavior, they have us slapping their forehead this earning season. Next. Tomorrow, kick off the trading day was squawk on the street. From post nine at the nysc

she needed to on paper and Scarlett Gibson. Like literally do you have a square to spare reel underneath. And then but she knows about your pants. And she opens in a spot your hands, who is like so full. We now know also goes to the bathroom like everybody else. That was not the point of the story. It all starts at 9am. Eastern.

Whenever when you buy a stock you are betting when human behavior. Typically we assume a certain baseline level of rationality. When you invest in insurance company, you're presuming that tons of people won't deliberately try to crash their cars or burn down their houses. When you invest in a retailer. You're presuming that people take that new child tax credit we talked about and spend it on clothes rather than just say lighting the money on fire. But sometimes people don't behave rationally. Sometimes we do things against our own best interests. Which brings me to the vaccine. I have a physician I've seen for many years. Every year on my birthday, I go on my physical get advice on my diet, my blood pressure my skin all the usual body parts that start falling apart when you get older. It's so different to get your car maintained, except it's more expensive and time consuming. This year I went to see him. I went a little earlier, because I was worried about COVID he said I had to get the vaccine by any means necessary even then constantly clicking on websites to find their open slot. Our staff helped me so I was able to get to go to a tent on Staten Island get injected, hey, can't beat it. When I told my doctor, he reminded me not to forget the second dose. And then I wouldn't be fully immunized until 12 days after the Shrike shot number two, he also told me to keep wearing a mask because if lots of people got the virus at work, the vaccine might not be powerful enough to stop a breakthrough infection. We didn't have enough data. That all sounded pretty darn rational to me. I mean, at no point was it a political issue is a medical issue. Hey, maybe I'm naive, because early on I figured really everyone will want the vaccine. I mean, after all, who that was he a COVID. My daughter got it in his three weeks of work felt terrible for very little time. So did many of my friends. I know elderly people who caught it and passed away quickly. So we get a chance to get vaccinated years before the experts said it was possible. I thought we treat it like a miracle. And the government would do the same thing like given polio. We're all we do is go to local high schools to get our shots or our shirkers, as I did. A year ago, people thought I was crazy for believing that scientists could quickly create a vaccine, but I did turns out like that, right? the crazy part turned out to be believing that people would be eager to take the vaccine. Right now we're only about 50% vaccinated in this country, largely because of some bizarre belief that it doesn't work or it violates our rights or conspiracy theories about microchips. Maybe I should have taken a page from HL Mencken. Nobody ever went broke under estimating the intelligence of the American people. And look, this isn't just a red state blue state thing. Yes. shamy learned that a bunch of players from the Phillies came down with COVID because the team was was still as an 85%. vaccinated. How could the ownership not insist on 100% his players? I mean, this is played him millions. I mean, it's totally irrational. That kind of irrationality is wreaking havoc on the stock market too. Whenever I bring this up, I get trashed on social media for caring more about money and freedom. After all, this is America. Don't we have a god given right to be stupid and self destructive? I see analogies to smoking cigarettes and other irrational harmful behavior. But at least smokers actually enjoy smoking cigarettes. Even if it's incredibly unhealthy. Nobody likes getting COVID at the end of the day, we're in the money making business here. We have to figure out whether people will go back to work It seemed inevitable once the vaccine became commonplace. But with all these unvaccinated people will people go back to Tyson Foods or GM or McDonald's? They stay at home collect unemployment because they correctly fear their colleagues will get them sick. Are we in for another round of shutdowns and critical manufacturers in the right to fire states? All these anti vaxxers are being irrational and the problem with irrational behavior. It's very hard to model that comes into play starting this week because it's early season. I think we'll be surprised by how much absenteeism will impact the numbers because all these people choosing not to get vaccinated has delayed the return to normalcy. It's also of course hurt people, places looking at looking for people to work. You know what? It's not Live Free or Die. It's live like a moron and get COVID like a moron. Do not confuse them. I like to say there's always a bull market summer and pop try to find it just for you. Right here on Mad Money. On Jim Cramer See you tomorrow. The news was Shepard Smith starts now.



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